Optimal management of conflicting species : Grey seal (Halichoerus grypus) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Baltic Sea

The objective of this thesis is to examine the economic effects in the conflict between grey seal population and the salmon fishery in the Baltic Sea. We will formulate a bioeconomic model which provides new insights on the optimal management of Atlantic salmon with respect to the effects brought ab...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Holma, Maija
Other Authors: Helsingin yliopisto, Maatalous-metsätieteellinen tiedekunta, Taloustieteen laitos, University of Helsinki, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Economics and Management, Helsingfors universitet, Agrikultur- och forstvetenskapliga fakulteten, Institutionen för ekonomi
Format: Master Thesis
Published: Helsingfors universitet 2011
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/10138/25994
Summary:The objective of this thesis is to examine the economic effects in the conflict between grey seal population and the salmon fishery in the Baltic Sea. We will formulate a bioeconomic model which provides new insights on the optimal management of Atlantic salmon with respect to the effects brought about by the grey seal population. As the catch losses caused by seals have an effect on salmon fishery in Baltic, we will study how seal population affects the present value of the salmon fishery. The study considers the Finnish coastal trap net fishery. The bioeconomic model considers a scenario of sole salmon fishery and a scenario of salmon fishery affected by the grey seal population. On the basis of these scenarios, a seal compensation scheme is introduced. We can observe a significant economic seal-induced effect on the salmon fishery. The results suggest that the present seal compensation scheme emploid by the Finnish government is suboptimal. This thesis is part of the TARMO –project, in which the conflict between grey seal population and salmon fishery is studied using the methods of environmental economics. Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella Itämeren harmaahyljepopulaation ja lohen kalastuksen välistä konfliktia taloudellisesta näkökulmasta. Muodostamme bioekonomisen mallin, joka tuottaa uutta tietoa lohen kalastuksensäätelystä, kun harmaahylkeen vaikutus otetaan huomioon. Hylkeiden aiheuttamat saalistappiot vaikuttavat Itämeren lohenkalastukseen, joten tarkastelemme miten hyljepopulaatio vaikuttaa lohen kalastuksen nettonykyarvoon. Tutkielmassa keskitytään Suomen rannikon rysäkalastukseen. Bioekonomisessa mallissa rakennetaan skenaario, jossa tarkastellaan pelkkää lohenkalastusta, sekä skenaario, jossa harmaahylkeen aiheuttamat saalistappiot vaikuttavat lohenkalastukseen. Näiden skenaarioiden pohjalta esittelemme hylkeensietopalkkiojärjestelmän. Tulostemme mukaan hylkeen taloudellinen vaikutus lohen kalastukseen on merkittävä. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että nykyinen Suomen ...