Zadovoljstvo poduzetnika sa studentima diplomskog stručnog studija Menadžmenta turizma i sporta tijekom izvođenja stručne prakse

Studenti specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija Menadžment turizma i sporta Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu moraju u X. semestru obaviti stručnu praksu. Stručna praksa traje 20 radnih dana ili sveukupno 120 radnih sati. Stručna praksa na diplomskom stručnom studiju uvedena je kao obavezan k...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Hegeduš, Ivan, Gregorić, Marina, Gregorić, Martina
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: 2016
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Summary:Studenti specijalističkog diplomskog stručnog studija Menadžment turizma i sporta Međimurskog veleučilišta u Čakovcu moraju u X. semestru obaviti stručnu praksu. Stručna praksa traje 20 radnih dana ili sveukupno 120 radnih sati. Stručna praksa na diplomskom stručnom studiju uvedena je kao obavezan kolegij i donosi 18 ECTS bodova. Svi polaznici stručne prakse moraju od Međimurskog veleučilišta dobiti uputnicu za stručnu praksu, potvrdu o obavljenoj stručnoj praksi i anketu za poslodavce. Studenti su obavezni svoju stručnu praksu odraditi u turističkoj ili sportskoj djelatnosti, od turističkih ureda, turističkih zajednica, hotela, turističkih agencija, sportskih ustanova, sportskih organizacija do niza drugih djelatnosti koje su vezane uz turizam i sport. Po završetku navedene stručne prakse svaki polaznik stručne prakse mora napisati dnevnik rada stručne prakse i to minimalno 7 – 10 stranica. Studenti također donose voditelju stručne prakse potpisanu i ovjerenu potvrdu o obavljenoj stručnoj praksi i popunjenu anketu poslodavaca. Cilj je ovoga rada istražiti zadovoljstvo gospodarstvenika i poduzetnika kompetencijama i radom studenata. Korištene metode u ovome radu su metoda deskripcije, analize, sinteze i kvantitativna metoda distribucijom anketnog upitnika. Anketa je provedena na uzorku od 15 poduzeća čiji su predstavnici ocijenili stručnost studenata prilikom izvođenja stručne prakse. Studenti sami pronalaze svoje poslodavce, a ako sami ne mogu pronaći odgovarajućeg poslodavca, Međimursko veleučilište im pomaže pri pronalaženju jer ima dobru poslovnu suradnju s više poslovnih institucija već dugi niz godina. Navedena je stručna praksa na obostranu korist studenata i poslodavaca jer obadvije strane mogu vidjeti što se nudi na tržištu rada ili što konkretno nedostaje na tržištu. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju nivo usklađenosti kompetencija koje studenti stječu na studiju menadžmenta i sporta te potrebe poslodavaca za dodatnim znanjima i zadovoljstvo stečenim. Students of specialist graduate study of management of tourism and sport at Međimurje Polytechnics in Čakovec are obliged to do X. semester internship. Practical work takes 20 working days, or a total of 120 hours. Professional practice is a graduate professional course which was introduced as a compulsory course and brings 18 ECTS points. All participants of professional practice of Međimurje Polytechnics must get a referral for professional training, a certificate of completion of practical training and a survey of employers. Students are required to do their internship in tourism or sports fields, choosing from tourist boards, tourist offices, hotels, travel agencies, sports facilities, sports organizations and a number of other activities that are related to tourism and sports. Upon completion of the work placement, each student, while at professional practice, has to write the log of professional practice at a minimum of 7-10 pages. Students also require a certificate by the professional practice leader signed and stamped, as well as a certificate of completed professional practice and completed survey of employers. The aim of this paper is to research the satisfaction with businessmen and entrepreneurs competencies and work of students. The methods used in this paper are methods of description, analysis, synthesis and quantitative method through the distribution of a structured survey. The survey was conducted on a sample of 15 companies whose representatives assess student competences in performing professional practice. The students themselves find their employers and if they can not find a suitable employer, Međimurje Polytechnic in Čakovec asists them in finding the employer, since they have a good business relationship with several business institutions for many years. The above professional practice is for the mutual benefit of students and employers, since both sides can find out what is offered on the labor market or specifically lacking in the market. The research results show the level of compliance of competencies that students get to study management and sports and employers’ needs for additional knowledge and satisfaction gained.