Summary:Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements: We acknowledge support from the Carlsberg Foundation for logistics to carry out two expeditions to Kap København in 2006 and 2012 (S. Funder, principal investigator for Carlsberg foundation grant to LongTerm and Kap København—the age). The fieldwork in 2016 was supported by a grant to N.K.L. from the Villum Foundation. We highly appreciate the collaborative support by Illumina Inc. that was crucial for the success of the project. E.W. and K.H.K. thank the Danish National Research Foundation (DNRF) and the Lundbeck Foundation (R302-2018-2155) for providing long-term funds to develop the necessary DNA technology that eventually made it possible to retrieve environmental DNA from these ancient deposits in the Kap København Formation. E.W. also acknowledges the Wellcome Trust (UNS69906), the Carlsberg Foundation (CF18-0024), Novo Foundation (NNF18SA0035006), Leverhume (RPG-2016-235) and GRF EXC CRS Chair - Cluster of Excellence (44113220) for their support. M.W.P. acknowledges support from the Carlsberg Foundation (CF17-0275). K.K.S. and S.J. acknowledge support from VILLUM FONDEN (00025352). I.G.A. and E.C. have received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 819192). B.D.S. acknowledges support from the Wellcome Trust programme in Mathematical Genomics and Medicine (WT220023). J.Å.K. was supported by the Carlsberg Foundation (CF20-0238). C.B. acknowledges ERC Advanced Award Diatomic (grant agreement no. 835067). J.C.G. was supported by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada–Discovery Grant 06785 and Canada Foundation for Innovation grant 21305. M.J.C. acknowledges support from the Danish National Research Foundation DNRF128. We thank G. Yang for cosmogenic isotope AMS target chemistry; S. Funder for introducing us to the Kap København Formation and generating much of the platform that enabled us to conduct our research; T. O. Delmont for providing data and ...