Proceedings of the 2005 North American Association of Fisheries Economists Forum

DIRECTOR'S FOREWARD (Daniel Pauly). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. PART 1: PAPERS. Prohibited species bycatch in the eastern Bering Sea flatfish fisheries - an analysis of institutions and incentives (Joshua K. Abbott and James E. Wilen). Modelling short-term choice behaviour of Danish fishermen in a mixed...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Sumaila, Ussif Rashid, Marsden, A. Dale
Format: Report
Published: Fisheries Centre. University of British Columbia 2006
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Summary:DIRECTOR'S FOREWARD (Daniel Pauly). EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. PART 1: PAPERS. Prohibited species bycatch in the eastern Bering Sea flatfish fisheries - an analysis of institutions and incentives (Joshua K. Abbott and James E. Wilen). Modelling short-term choice behaviour of Danish fishermen in a mixed fishery (Bo S. Andersen and Annie-Sofie Christensen). Modeling effects of habitat closures in ocean fisheries (Matthew Berman). High seas fisheries governance: a framework for the future? (Stan Crothers and Lindie Nelson). Investing in natural capital - the case of fisheries (Ralf Doering). The catch 22 of licensing policy: socio-economic impacts in British Columbia's commercial ocean fisheries (Danielle N. Edwards, Astrid Scholz, Eric E. Tamm and Charles Steinback). The impact of rights-based management regimes on fishery productivity (Stephanie F. McWhinnie). Data fouling in marine fisheries: findings and a model for Newfoundland (Kaija I. Metuzals, C. Michael Wernerheim,Richard L. Haedrich, Parzival Copes and Ann Murrin). Early attempts at establishing exclusive rights in the British Columbia salmon fishery (Frank Millerd). Industrial evolution in response to changes in the demand for traceability and assurance: a case study of Chilean salmon aquaculture (Tyler K. Olson and Keith R. Criddle). Optimal location of marine protected areas in an international context (Arjan Ruijis and John Janmaat). An economic analysis of management options in the western rock lobster fishery of Western Australia (Neil Thomson and Nick Caputi). Testing the stability of recreational fishing participation probabilities (Eric M. Thunberg and Charles M. Fulcher). Improving utilization of the Atlantic sea scallop resource: an analysis of rotational management of fishing grounds (Diego Valderrama and James L. Anderson). PART 2: ABSTRACTS. Preferences for a buyout program: survey results from U.S. Atlantic shark fishermen (Charles M. Adams and Sherry L. Larkin). Measuring welfare effects of multispecies quota management systems (J. Agar). Economic evaluation of marine ecosystem restoration in northern British Columbia (Cameron H. Ainsworth). Valuing U.S. marine habitats: fantasy or fact? (Jackie Alder, William Cheung, Gakushi Ishimura and U. Rashid Sumaila). Price discovery in laboratory tradable fishing allowance markets with concurrent leasing (Christopher M. Anderson and Jon G. Sutinen). Excessive shares in ITQ fisheries (Lee G. Anderson). Framework for the evaluation of socio-economic and environmental indicators of sustainability in marine ecosystem based fisheries management: The Veracruz Reef system case (Patricia Arceo, Leonardo Ortiz, and Alejandro Granados). Measuring performance in a multi-output industry (Frank Asche, Daniel Gordon and Carsten Lynge Jensen). Experimental analysis of the political economics of fisheries governance(Sam Bwalya, Christopher M. Anderson and Jon G. Sutinen). Effort response, harvest, and climate in the Gulf of Mexico recreational red snapper fishery (D.W. Carter and D. Letson). Socioeconomic impacts of fishery subsidies: a review (Tony Charles). The buyback subsidy problem: time inconsistencies and the ITQ alternative (Colin W. Clark, Gordon R. Munro and U. Rashid Sumaila). Deterrence and compliance in the artisanal Lake Victoria fisheries (H. Eggert and R. Lokina). Reconciling the revocable (or impermanent) privilege of IFQs with economic needs of fishermen (Mark Fina and Joseph Sullivan). Fraser salmon and the species-at-risk act: socio-economic impacts (Gordon S. Gislason). Genetic resources for fun and profit - the role of the interest rate in natural selection (Atle G. Guttormsen, Dadi Kristorfersson and Eric Naevda). Bering Sea pollock fisher response to the Steller sea lion conservation area (Alan C. Haynie and David F. Layton). Dynamic discrete choice modleing: Monte Carlo analysis (Robert Hicks and Kurt E. Schnier). Individual habitat quotas for fisheries: the influences of regulatory scale and spatial heterogeneity (Daniel S. Holland and Kurt E. Schnier). Fisheries cooperartives - varieties and consequences (Daniel D. Huppert and Jennifer Kassakian). Treadmill effects and capitalization of resource rent in Norweigian fisheries (Gakushi Ishimura and Rognvaldur Hannesson). Global cost and regional benefit of open ocean aquaculture with ocean nourishment (Ian S.F. Jones and Ibrahem Al Tarawneh). A dynamic spatial model to predict net distribution of fishing effort in relation to changes in fish abundance in the global tuna longline fishery (Heather Keith, Carl Walters and U. Rashid Sumaila). Simulating with ISIS-Fish V2.0 the dynamics of a north-east Atlantic mixed fishery subject to spatial closures (Stephanie Mahevas, Dominique Pelletier, Paul Marchal, Olivier Guyader, Raul Prellezo and Marina Santurtun). Entering and exiting a fishery: a strategic choice? (S. Mardle and T. Hutton). International trade, fisheries, and Canadian marine ecosystems: an empirical analysis (A. Dale Marsden and U. Rashid Sumaila). Ecosystem of a small lake (Kawahara-oike, Japan) invaded by two alien species: bluegill Lepomis macrochirus and largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides (Takashi Matsuishi, Md. Monir Hossain, Akira Goto and Mikio Azuma). Decision structuring to alleviate embedding in environmental valuation (Timothy L. McDaniels, Robin Gregory, Jospeh Arvai and Ratana Chuenpagdee). A preliminary look at the Hawai'ian swordfish regulations at reducing sea turtle bycatch (Jeffrey K. O'Hara and Theodore Groves). Importation of tasteless smoke (CO) treated tuna and its impacts to local market and fisheries (Minling Pan and Timothy Ming). Risk-shifting in farm-raised catfish marketing channels (K. Quagrainie and I. Neira). Stranded capital and impacts to processors of ITQs (Kate Quigley). Modeling economic efficiency in a fishery: the Norwegian cod trawl fishery (Kristin H. Roll, Frank Asche and Atle G. Guttormsen). Protecting marine biodiveristy: a comparison of inidividual habitat quotas (IHQs) and the marine protected areas (Kurt E. Schnier and Daniel S. Holland). Outside the realmn of economics: what are the implications of environmental ethics for fisheries management? (Donald M. Schug). Spatial management of metapopulations in fisheries : the bioeconomic effects of source-sink configurations (J.C. Seigo and J.F. Caddy). Valuing ecosystem services with fishery rents: a lumped-parameter approach to hypoxia in the Neuse River estuary (Martin D. Smith and Larry B. Crowder). A hierarchical Bayes approach to discrete choice fisheries modeling: the effect of marine reserves on fishing behaviour (Marin D. Smith, Junjie Zhang and Felicia C. Coleman). Amending the Alaska halibut/sablefish IFQ program to address community needs (P.J. Smith). Ecological and economic analysis of sablefish aquaculture in British Columbia (U. Rashid Sumaila, John Volpe and Yajie Liu). On the economics of fisheries governance: a Presidential address (Jon G. Sutinen). The economic costs of regulation: a bioeconomic comparison of legislative mandates for rebuilding fish stocks in the United States and New Zealand (Gil Sylvia, Sherry L. Larkin and Michael Harte). Bayesian estimation of technical efficiency in fisheries (D. Tomberlin, X. Irz and G. Holloway). Beyond ITQs: transactions costs and self-governance in New Zealand (Ralph E. Townsend). The effect of regulatory regimes on productivity development in fisheries: a comparative country study (Ragnar Tveteras and Hakan Eggert). Market power, sharing rule and fishery co-management (J. Uchida and J. Wilen). Moving toward market based management regimes: implementing days at sea leasing in the northeast (USA) multispecies fishery (John B. Walden and Charles Fulcher). Like counting sheep from a helicopter on a cloudy day: the effects of scientific uncertainty on stock assessment and ITQ fisheries management (T. Yandle). The contribution of fisheries to GDP: underestimating the role of small-scale fisheries (Dirk Zeller, Shawn Booth and Daniel Pauly). Fisheries Centre (FC) Unreviewed Faculty Researcher Graduate