Summary:Il s'agit bien de James George O'Keeffe (1865-1937) et non de Joseph comme indiqué dans le texte par erreur (p. 9, 675 et 686). - La pierre du sceau cylindrique de Krasnogvardeisk est bien du jais comme indiqué par Nekhaev "cylindrical jet seal", et non du jade. Tout ce qui concerne le jade dans le texte est donc superflu. David Anthony quant à lui, écrit "east Anatolian agate cylinder seal" (p. 290). - Ce sont les "Fili" qui sont devenus moines et non l'inverse, comme indiqué dans la présentation. This study aims at showing the relationship between Fer benn in "Buile Suibhne" with the ancient deer cult of Siberia as described by A.F. Anisimov in his 1963 paper "Cosmological concepts". This relationship involves a spread of this cult from Siberia to Ireland through the Indo-European branch after its separation from the Indo-Iranian one about 2.000 B.C., which means the end of the proto-Indo-European former unity. This origin could well be the Afanasievo culture, a proto-Indo-European one due to the Repin migration starting on the river Don from -3.700 onwards, which will provide a permanent relationship between east and west for hundreds of years. The Maikop cylindrical seal in jade-stone (nephrite) which cannot be older than the third millenium B.C. according to Nekhaev, figuring a stag in front of a tree, could be a precious testimony and a harbinger of the totemic cult of ancestors among the ancient Hittites in the shape of a deer. We'll follow the trail of the animal mother from Usatovo till Scandinavia, and from the Val Camonica till Iberia and Gaul before sailing to Caledonia around 1.000 B.C. and Ireland afterwards. It should be the former monks now turned into fili who for reasons we can imagine will save a part of our pre-christian patrimony undergoing christianisation. Cette étude se propose de montrer la parenté de Fer benn dans "Buile Suibhne", avec le culte du cerf d'origine sibérienne décrit par A.F. Anisimov dans son article de 1963 "Cosmological concepts". Cette parenté suppose une diffusion ...