Summary:International audience Northern oriental territories of Russia are characterised by some non exploited high potential of tourism of nature in the specific context of the little territorial development, the needs of diversification of the economic activities at the local level, under the process of regional integration with Asia, the exploitation of mineral ressources, and the global warming. Tourism is considered one of the key economic branch to develop. According to the policy issues of the North-Eastern Federal University of the Repubic of Sakha (Yakutia) to support the economic development, the creation of double diploma programs with the foreign universities is essential due to the need of best practice application and to insufficiency of local competences in this field . The joint master curriculum in tourism and environment built with Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University of France aims to train the future specialists of touristic development of the territory of Yakutia. The questions of distance learning and TIC as well as the integration of the environment and the nature fixing contents structuring the curriculum constitute the key-points of joint master program. The study was conducted within the scientific project of the Russian science Foundation No. 15-18-20047 "Landscape Ontology: semantics, semiotics, and geographic modeling"