Summary:Ca. 150 unequivocal (super 14) C dates from the prehistoric cultures in the Russian Far East can be used to elucidate chrono-cultural boundaries in that region. Microblade technology started as early as ca. 20,000 BP, and continued to exist in the middle Amur River basin until ca. 10,500 BP, and in Primorye until ca. 7800 BP. The emergence of pottery-making in the lower Amur River basin goes back to ca. 13,300 BP. The transition from Upper Paleolithic to Neolithic took place during the time interval 13,300-7800 BP and pottery was widely spread in the Russian Far East by ca. 6700-8400 BP. The first evidence of shellfish collection is estimated to ca. 6400 BP at Peter the Great Gulf coast, Sea of Japan. The beginning of agriculture in Primorye, based on finding of both millet seeds (Setaria italica L.) and pollen of cultivated cereals (Cerealia), is (super 14) C-dated to ca. 4200-3700 BP (ca. 1980-2900 cal BC). The Neolithic/Early Iron Age boundary was estimated at ca. 3100-3300 BP (1400-1600 cal BC) in the mainland Russian Far East, and to ca. 1800-2300 BP (400 cal BC-200 cal AD) on the Sakhalin and southern Kuril Islands.