Summary:Genetical concept and morphology characteristics have been used to explain a species (Wayne and Gittleman, 1995). Another approach that is also used to explain in abreed is by observing the characteristics of reproduction system in each species. Study to identifY Rattus rattus diardii that is used as experiment hasn't done yet, based on identification of morphology characteristics Rattus rattus diar)iii has similar characteristics with Mus musculus and Rattus rattus. The aim ofthis study is to identify Mus musculus, Rattus rattus and Rattus rattus diardii in relation with standard breed characteristics on rattus rattus diardii. rfbis study is an analytic observational research with cross sectional and experimental study. The use of this experimental study is dealing with synchronization and super ovulation on female rat. This study used 50 Mus musculus; 50 Rattus rattus and 50 Rattus rattus diardii as sample. This study done in Bio Medical Laboratory, Medical Faculty, Airlangga University Surabaya, East Java. In the study of estn1s circle that has classified into 4 stages for each Mus musculus, Rattus rattus and Rattus rattus diardii (female) in the first research (first day) to the variety of estrus circle. The result of this estrus circle in these three types is fertile. In the result of statistical analysis using fertile data (+) and not fertile (-) found that there is no differentiation in those three types in proestrus stage, estrus stage, metestrus stage as well as in diestrus stage. Biometrics variables that was used as comparison in this study are length and weight ofbody and length of tail. Data used to analyze is changes in the length and weight ofbody and the length oftail (Delta). The result ofmeasurement in the last experiment (the 30th day) used as a comparison. The analysis result shows that in Mus musculus and RathJs rattus have changes in the length of tail, in Mus musculus and Rattus rattus diardii changes in tail happens as well as but, between Rattus rattus and Rattus-rattus diardii there is ...