Summary:International audience Naturally existing electromagnetic (EM) fields recorded at the surface of the Earth can be used to infer the electrical conductivity distribution of the subsurface. In the magnetovariational sounding (MVS) technique, the transient variations of orthogonal components of the Earth’s magnetic field are measured. In the frequency domain, the magnetic transfer function relates the vertical component to the horizontal components of the magnetic field. This paper describes the thin-sheet modeling of MVS data on a regional scale. The integrated conductivity variations in the thin-sheet model were estimated by applying the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) inversion algorithm. The application of this method to MVS data from the Finland part of the Fennoscandian Shield has illustrated the utility of both the thin-sheet approximation and MCMC inversion modeling. The conductivity anomalies obtained from this study confirmed the regional-scale geology of the area.