Pomen informiranosti in zadovoljstvo staršev s prejetimi informacijami o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčkom

Uvod: Partnerja, ki postajata starša, je potrebno informirati o vseh novostih, ki ju čakajo, tudi o prehrani dojenčka, ko je za to primeren čas. Pomembno je, da so starši informirani o tem, kakšne so strokovne smernice o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčku, predvsem pa da se zavedajo posledic nepravoč...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bobnar, Anita
Other Authors: Jug Došler, Anita
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2017
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=95904
Summary:Uvod: Partnerja, ki postajata starša, je potrebno informirati o vseh novostih, ki ju čakajo, tudi o prehrani dojenčka, ko je za to primeren čas. Pomembno je, da so starši informirani o tem, kakšne so strokovne smernice o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčku, predvsem pa da se zavedajo posledic nepravočasnega in neprimernega začetka uvajanja mešane prehrane. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, kakšen pomen starši pripisujejo samemu procesu informiranja in pomembnosti informacij, ki jih o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčku prejmejo s strani različnih virov, ter kakšno je njihovo zadovoljstvo s prejetimi informacijami. Metode dela: V prvem delu je uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela s pregledom domače ter tuje strokovne in znanstvene literature s področja informiranja staršev in uvajanja mešane prehrane dojenčku. V drugem delu je uporabljena še kavzalno-neeksperimentalna metoda empiričnega raziskovanja, v okviru katere so se podatki zbirali s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Rezultati so obdelani na nivoju deskriptivne statistike in prikazani z grafi ter tabelarično z navedbo frekvenc in odstotkov. Rezultati: 94 % anketiranih ocenjuje, da je proces informiranja na prehodu v starševstvo pomemben. Kar 68 % anketiranih ocenjuje, da je zelo pomembno, da so starši dobro in ustrezno informirani o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčku. Starši so največ informacij pridobili na spletu in iz prebrane literature s temi informacijami so bili najbolj zadovoljni in so jim bile tudi najbolj v pomoč. Starši ocenjujejo, da so relativno malo informacij prejeli s strani zdravstvenih delavcev (68 % jih je odgovorilo, da so prejeli malo oziroma nič informacij v šoli za starše, 42 % malo oziroma nič prejetih informacij s strani patronažne medicinske sestre in 41 % s strani pediatra). 50 % anketiranih meni, da s strani zdravstvenih delavcev niso bili dovolj informirani in bi želeli več informacij. Najpogosteje so anketiranci navedli, da sta jim težave pri informiranju o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčkom povzročali različnost informacij (86 %) in dvom o kakovosti in zanesljivosti informacij (47 %). V pomoč pri informiranju o uvajanju mešane prehrane dojenčkom so bili staršem v največji meri: pomoč in podpora s strani partnerja (86 %) ter znanje, spretnosti in veščine iskanja uporabnih in zanesljivih informacij s spleta in spletnih forumov (82 %). Razprava in zaključek: Staršem je pomembno, da so dobro obveščeni glede prehrane dojenčka, največ informacij in najbolj uporabne informacije pridobijo sami s spleta ter literature in ne s strani zdravstvenih delavcev, ki so tudi s tega področja poklicno izobraženi. Potrebno bi bilo, da bi zdravstveni delavci znali na primeren način, z dobro komunikacijo in pravim pristopom dela, strokovno in predvsem enotno svetovati in informirati starše na temo uvajanja mešane prehrane dojenčku. Introduction: Partners who are on the way of becoming parents should be at the right time informed of all the novelties they are about to face, including the baby’s nutrition. It is important that parents are informed about the professional guidelines on introducing solid food to babies, and above all, to be aware of the consequences of a late and inappropriate start of introducing solid food to babies. Aim: The aim of the thesis is to determine the significance that the parents attribute to the process of informing and to the importance of the information that they receive from various sources about the introduction of solid food to babies, as well as to determine their satisfaction with the received information. Methods: The first part of the thesis uses a descriptive method and reviews the professional and scientific literature from Slovene and foreign authors on informing parents and introducing solid food to babies. The second part uses a causal-non-experimental method of empirical research in which data is collected with the help of a questionnaire. The results are processed at the level of descriptive statistics, presented in graphs and tables showing frequency and percentages. Results: 94 % of the respondents feel that the process of informing is important when entering parenthood. 68 % of the respondents find that it is very important to be well and adequately informed about the introduction of solid food to babies. Parents gained most of the information online and from reading literature they were the most satisfied with this kind of information and they also found it most helpful. They received little information from health professionals (at schools for parents, from community nurses and pediatricians). 50 % of the respondents think that they did not receive enough information from health professionals and would need more information. Most respondents indicated that the difficulties in informing them about the introduction of solid food to babies were caused by: diversity of information (86 %) and doubt about the quality and reliability of information (47 %). When being informed about the introduction of solid food to babies, the parents found the following most helpful: the help and support from the partner (86 %) and possessing the knowledge and skills to find useful and reliable information on the web and online forums (82 %). Discussion and conclusion: It is important for the parents to be well informed about baby nutrition. They obtain the majority and the most useful information by themselves from the web and literature, not from healthcare professionals who are educated on the topic and handle this information in their everyday work. It would be necessary for healthcare professionals to be able to appropriately via good communication, with professional and, above all, united advice to inform parents on the nutrition of their baby.