Dieta pri hiperholesterolemiji

Holesterol je maščobna molekula, ki v telesu opravlja mnogo funkcij. Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Pri tem se vključuje v lipoproteine in prehaja v jetra, kjer poteka glavna pot presnavljanja ter tvorba žolčnih soli. Značilno je, da holesterol v naš...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Čerček Vilhar, Emanuela
Other Authors: Kreft, Marko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: E. Čerček Vilhar 2017
Online Access:
Summary:Holesterol je maščobna molekula, ki v telesu opravlja mnogo funkcij. Njegova biosinteza in pot po telesu kot nepolarna molekula je izredno zapletena. Pri tem se vključuje v lipoproteine in prehaja v jetra, kjer poteka glavna pot presnavljanja ter tvorba žolčnih soli. Značilno je, da holesterol v našem organizmu izvira iz dveh virov. Eno tretjino ga zaužijemo s hrano, preostanek pa ga tvorimo sami iz predhodne molekule acetil-CoA. Ljudje se v današnjem času čedalje pogosteje srečujejo s povišanim holesterolom v krvi, k čemur v veliki meri pripomore slaba prehrana in nezdrav način življenja. Druga možnost za nastanek hiperholesterolemije pa je podedovana genska motnja. To imenujemo družinska hiperholesterolemija. Postopoma lahko tako povišane vrednosti holesterola vodijo do nastanka srčno-žilnih obolenj, ki so eden izmed glavnih vzrokov smrti v razvitem svetu. Iz tega razloga je nujno, da to stanje odpravimo. Zelo pomembna je zdrava prehrana, ki temelji predvsem na znižanem vnosu nasičenih maščob, trans maščob in holesterola. Poskrbljeno mora biti tudi za primeren vnos vlaknin, sterolov in funkcionalnih živil (sojine beljakovine, berberin, izvlečki zelenega čaja…). K boljšim rezultatom pripomore zdrav življenjski slog, ki vključuje telesno aktivnost, normalizacijo telesne mase ter opustitev nezdravih navad, kot so kajenje in prekomeren alkoholizem. Cholesterol is a lipid molecule that performs many functions in the body. Its biosynthesis and distribution in the body as a non-polar molecule are extremely complex. Packed in lipoproteins travel to the liver, where the main pathway of metabolism and the formation of bile salts take place. Typically, cholesterol in our body originates from two ways. One third of it is consumed with food, and the rest is formed endogenously from the previous acetyl-CoA molecule. People today are more and more likely to experience increased blood cholesterol, as a result of poor diet and an unhealthy way of life. Another possibility for the development of hypercholesterolaemia is an inherited genetic disorder. In this case we talk about so-called familiar hypercholesterolaemia. Gradually, such elevated cholesterol levels can lead to the formation of cardiovascular diseases, which are one of the main causes of death in the developed world. For this reason, it is essential for our health to resolve the elevated cholesterol condition. A healthy diet, which is based primarily on reduced intake of saturated fat, trans fat and cholesterol, is very important. We also need to take care for the proper input of fibers, sterols and functional foods (soybean proteins, berberin, extracts of green tea .). A healthy lifestyle that includes physical activity, normalization of body weight and reduction of unhealthy habits such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption, contribute to better results.