Primerjava koncepta "Igra - gibanje - razvoj" in programa NTC-učenje

V diplomskem delu podrobneje predstavljamo značilnosti koncepta »igra – gibanje – razvoj« (v nadaljevanju: IGR) in programa NTC-učenje ter ju primerjamo med seboj glede na merila, ki smo jih sami oblikovali. Ob tem ugotavljamo, katere podobnosti in razlike obstajajo med njima ter ali ju je mogoče iz...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Bartol, Urška
Other Authors: Gregorc, Jera
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: 2015
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Summary:V diplomskem delu podrobneje predstavljamo značilnosti koncepta »igra – gibanje – razvoj« (v nadaljevanju: IGR) in programa NTC-učenje ter ju primerjamo med seboj glede na merila, ki smo jih sami oblikovali. Ob tem ugotavljamo, katere podobnosti in razlike obstajajo med njima ter ali ju je mogoče izvajati hkrati. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil sestaviti merila za primerjavo med konceptom IGR in programom NTC ter ju na podlagi le-teh primerjati s ciljem, ugotoviti, ali lahko dejavnosti NTC-učenja uporabimo v konceptu IGR. S podrobnim pregledom teoretičnih spoznanj o otrokovem razvoju, igri in razmerah na področju slovenskega družbenega koncepta smo opisali značilnosti koncepta IGR in programa NTC-učenje ter preko analize prišli do raziskovalnega problema, ki nas je usmeril v postavitev meril za razločevanje med obema konceptoma in iskanje možnosti za njuno hkratno izvajanje. Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela. Pri iskanju in pregledovanju literature so nam bili v pomoč domača in tuja literatura, internetne strani, delavnice, seminarji in projekti ter tudi lastne izkušnje. Koncept IGR in program NTC-učenje smo primerjali po naslednjih merilih: osnovni podatki, strokovna izhodišča, načrtovane dejavnosti in dnevna rutina. Ugotovili smo, da sta si koncepta podobna v strokovnih izhodiščih in na področju dnevne rutine, precej pa se razlikujeta glede na osnovne podatke in na načrtovane dejavnosti. Ugotovili smo, da bi koncept IGR in program NTC lahko sočasno uporabili pri delu v vrtcu, in sicer tako, da bi elementi programa NTC postali metodične enote pri metodi igre, skozi katero se izvaja koncept IGR. In the thesis we present in more detail the characteristics of the concept »game – movement – development« (hereinafter IGR) and NTC system of learning and we compare them according to the criteria formed by us. While doing this, we establish the similarities and the differences between the two and consider whether they can be implemented simultaneously. The aim of the thesis was to set up the criteria for comparing the concept IGR with NTC system of learning and compare them according to this criteria, with the aim of establishing whether we can use the activities of NTC system of learning in the concept IGR. With a detailed review of the theoretical knowledge about child development, game and the condition of the Slovenian social concept we described the characteristics of the concept IGR and NTC system of learning, and through analysis we established the research problem, which helped us set the rules for differentiating the two concepts and searching the possibilities for implementing them simultaneously. We used the descriptive method. For research we used Slovenian and foreign literature, web sites, workshops, seminars and projects and also our own experience. We compared the concept IGR and NTC system of learning according to the following criteria: basic information, factual background, planned activities and daily routine. We established that the two concepts are similar according to their factual background and daily routine, but differ quite a bit in basic information and planned activities. We have found that the concept IGR and NTC system of learning could be used simultaneously in kindergartens, by making the elements of NTC system of learning the methodical units for the game method, which is used to implement the concept IGR.