Program za razbijanje gesel in ugotavljanje njihove moči

Diplomsko delo opisuje pomen gesel, s katerimi varujemo dostop do uporabniških računov (in s tem posledično tudi osebne podatke). Tehnologija se neprestano razvija in s tem tudi varnostni mehanizmi za gesla ter nove oblike ranljivosti za zaščito gesel. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je ozaveščanje up...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: WEBER, UROŠ
Other Authors: Jurišić, Aleksandar
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2015
Online Access:
Summary:Diplomsko delo opisuje pomen gesel, s katerimi varujemo dostop do uporabniških računov (in s tem posledično tudi osebne podatke). Tehnologija se neprestano razvija in s tem tudi varnostni mehanizmi za gesla ter nove oblike ranljivosti za zaščito gesel. Glavni namen diplomske naloge je ozaveščanje uporabnikov o izbiri močnih gesel in predstavitev naše aplikacije, s katero lahko preverimo moč našega gesla. Podrobno bomo pogledali posamezne napade na gesla. Razdelili jih bomo na tehnične, kjer bomo spoznali pomembnost izbire močnih gesel, in na ne tehnične, kot je socialni inženiring (ki je v dodatku) le-ta vsebuje zbirko zvijač, s katerimi napadalec doseže, da sami izdamo geslo ali pa mu ponudimo vsaj močan namig. Opisali bomo nekatere prosto dostopne programe, s katerimi lahko razbijemo šibko geslo. Na kratko bomo pogledali tudi pomanjkljivosti slovenske zakonodaje, kot so na primer osebni podatki umrlega. The thesis describes the role of passwords to protect unauthorized access to our acounts (and consequently also our data). Technology is constantly evolving, thereby there is also rapid developement of security mechanisms for protection of passwords, as well as new forms of vulnerability for passwords protection. The main purpose of this thesis is to raise awareness of choosing strong passwords and present the application, which can show strength of our password. We will study known password attacks in detail. Attacks will be divided into technical, where we will see the importance of choosing strong passwords, and non technical ones, such as social engineering (which is in appendix ) this presents a collection of attacker's tricks, which presuade us to give up our password or at least a strong hint about it. We will describe some of the programs that exist on the Internet with which can we hack password. We will also briefly survey the deficiencies of Slovenian legislation in the case with personal data of the deceased.