Kako predmet Šport doživljajo otroci 2. triletja osnove šole (regija Prekmurje)

V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako predmet šport doživljajo otroci 2. triletja osnovne šole v regiji Prekmurje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 449 učencev petih osnovnih šol z območja Prekmurja, ki so samostojno reševali vnaprej sestavljeni anonimni vprašalnik. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili špor...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Novinić, Tajana
Other Authors: Štemberger, Vesna
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: T. Novinić 2015
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=70279
Summary:V diplomskem delu smo ugotavljali, kako predmet šport doživljajo otroci 2. triletja osnovne šole v regiji Prekmurje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 449 učencev petih osnovnih šol z območja Prekmurja, ki so samostojno reševali vnaprej sestavljeni anonimni vprašalnik. V teoretičnem delu smo opredelili šport in njegov pomen za mlade ter preučili, kako lahko mlade motiviramo za šport. Predstavili smo predmet šport, želje učencev pri tem predmetu in predstavili tudi, kako pomembno vlogo igra učitelj pri njem. Dotaknili smo se doživljanja športa, tega, s kakšnimi strahovi se učenci srečujejo pri športu, ter razmišljali o tem, kako te strahove premagati. V empiričnem delu smo ugotavljali, ali imajo učenci radi predmet šport, kdo jih poučuje, kam ga uvrščajo po priljubljenosti in pomembnosti za nadaljnje življenje ter kako doživljajo ocenjevanje. Ugotavljali smo tudi, katere športe in dejavnosti imajo učenci pri predmetu šport radi, katerih ne marajo ter kaj bi pri predmetu radi počeli, če bi lahko sami izbirali. Zanimalo nas je, ali osnovne šole v prekmurski regiji izvajajo aktivni odmor in kakšna je priljubljenost le-tega. Ugotovili smo, da imajo učenci predmet šport radi, po priljubljenosti ga uvrščajo na prvo mesto, prav tako ga postavljajo na visoko na lestvici po pomembnosti za nadaljnje življenje. Najpogosteje ta predmet poučuje učitelj/učiteljica športa. Ugotovili smo tudi, da so učenci z zaključno oceno pri predmetu šport zadovoljni, da jih ocenjevanja ni strah in da športa brez ocen ne bi želeli imeti. Učenci imajo pri predmetu šport najraje igre z žogo, najbolj priljubljena je igra med dvema ognjema, ne marajo pa plesa, gimnastike in teka. Izmed dejavnosti imajo najraje športni dan, ne marajo pa, kadar se učitelj jezi in jih kaznuje. Po lastni izbiri bi učenci najraje izbrali nogomet, učenke pa med dvema ognjema. Aktivnega odmora večina učencev nima, bi pa ga želela imeti. This thesis examines how children, of the second triad of primary school in the region of Prekmurje, perceive physical education. The research study included 449 pupils form five primary schools in the Prekmurje region. Children have individually filled out a pre-composed questionnaire that was carried out anonymously. The theoretical part of this thesis defines the meaning of sport and its representation for young people as well as their motivation to actively engage in sports. In addition, it outlines different ways on how to encourage children to be active. Furthermore, it examines their experience of sport activities, what kind of fears pupils encounter during sports, and ways to overcome those fears. In the empirical part of this thesis we have tried to determine, if children like physical education and who their teachers are. We also tried to determine how pupils perceive physical education in terms of popularity and importance for future life as well as how they experience getting grades for their performance. Moreover, we have also tried to define, which sports and activities pupils like or do not like, and what they would like to do during these classes, if the choice was up to them. We were also curious whether primary schools in the Prekmurje region implement an active break and how popular it is among pupils. We have determined that pupils like sports, it is their most popular subject, and they also view it as very important for their future life. In most cases these classes are taught by sports teachers (physical education). We have concluded that pupils like their final grades and are pleased that their achievements are being evaluated. Furthermore, they are not afraid of being evaluated and are very pleased by receiving grades, they also prefer a physical education class that includes grades as to one that does not. Pupils like ball games the best, the most popular game is dodgeball, whereas dance, gymnastics and track are the least popular sports. Sports day is one of their most favourable activities. One of the things that they do not enjoy is when teachers get angry with them or punish them. If the choice for a favourite activity during sports classes was left to the pupils, boys would choose soccer and girls dodgeball. Majority of the pupils do not have an active break but would like to have one very much.