Stališča devetošolcev Osnovne šole Simona Jenka Kranj o jemanju prepovedanih in dovoljenih drog

V diplomskem delu obravnavam primerjavo stališč devetošolcev glede prepovedanih in dovoljenih drog v raziskavi bom izpostavila tobak, alkohol, marihuano, heroin in tablete, ki vplivajo na duševnost. Te razlike so bile tudi osnova za empirični del naloge. V teoretičnem delu opredelim najprej definici...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Debeljak, Dida
Other Authors: Dekleva, Bojan
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: D. Debeljak 2015
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu obravnavam primerjavo stališč devetošolcev glede prepovedanih in dovoljenih drog v raziskavi bom izpostavila tobak, alkohol, marihuano, heroin in tablete, ki vplivajo na duševnost. Te razlike so bile tudi osnova za empirični del naloge. V teoretičnem delu opredelim najprej definicijo stališč njihove značilnosti in funkcijo osredotočim se tudi na izvor neutemeljenih stališč. V nadaljevanju se posvetim varovalnim dejavnikom in dejavnikom tveganja za uporabo drog, nato pa še sami drogi in klasifikaciji le-te. Za moje raziskovanje je pomembno tudi poglavje o drogi in spolu torej kako spolna kategorija vpliva na stališča o prepovedanih in dovoljenih drogah. Za konec sledi še vpliv izobrazbe staršev na te dejavnike. V empiričnem delu naloge je vključenih 60 devetošolcev Osnovne šole Simona Jenka Kranj v starosti od 13-15 let. Raziskava je pokazala, da pri izbrani populaciji o dovoljenih drogah nasploh prevladuje mnenje, da so manj škodljive, zasvojljive in stigmatizirajoče kot prepovedane droge da uživanje predvsem dovoljenih drog (tablete in alkohol) iz strani staršev vpliva le na negativnost stališč do te vrste droge da spol ne vpliva na stališča do dovoljenih drog, vpliva pa na stališča do prepovedanih drog da izobrazba staršev vpliva na razvoj negativnih/pozitivnih stališč otrok le do dovoljenih drog, ne pa tudi prepovedanih ter da kraj bivanja ne vpliva na pogostost uživanja drog pri mladostnikih. In this degree I deal with the comparison of view-points regarding illegal and legal drugs among pupils in 9th grade. In this research I will focus on tobacco, marihuana, heroin and pills which effect mentality. The empirical part of the thesis in based on these differences. In theoretical part I'm defining the definition of view-points, their characteristics and functions, and I also focus on the source of unfounded view-points. Then I focus on protective and risk factors for using drugs and then on drugs and their classification. Very important for my research is also the chapter of the drugs and sex, so how does the sex category influences the view-points of illegal and legal drugs. In the conclusion I look at the influence of parent’s education on these factors. Empirical part involves sixty pupils in 9th grade of the Simon Jenko Kranj Primary School in the age from 13 to 15. The research has shown that the general opinion about the legal drugs is about being less harmful, addictive and stigmatizing than illegal drugs. Furthermore, parent’s influence is regarding the negative standpoints toward legal drugs and the sex has no influence on view-points toward legal drugs but it has regarding illegal drugs. And for the end I can conclude that the education of parents has an influence on their children developing positive or negative view-points regarding legal but not also illegal drugs and that the place of residence does not influences the frequency of adolescents using drugs.