Razvoj slovenske države blaginje

Theoretically, a few characteristic European welfare-state models can be discerned but the major differentiation is drawn between Western and Eastern models. Moreover, those from the Eastern part of Europe are univocally labelled as "socialist" models by means of which the Communist regime...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Novak, Mojca
Format: Other/Unknown Material
Published: Fakulteta za sociologijo, politične vede in novinarstvo v Ljubljani 2015
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=65407
Summary:Theoretically, a few characteristic European welfare-state models can be discerned but the major differentiation is drawn between Western and Eastern models. Moreover, those from the Eastern part of Europe are univocally labelled as "socialist" models by means of which the Communist regimes assured social security "from cradle to grave". However, particular categories,such as industrial workers and those who were politically loyal, had an exclusive access to welfare, solely. Certain new properties come out, if analysing the development of Western and Eastern - "socialist" - models in comparative perspective. It becomes clear that any welfare state model and related social policy was the outcome of different influences. Exogenous initiative of change gives frequently an initial "push" to indigenous efforts and helps to articulate needs. Tradition, power of certain social classes and interests of the political elite provide the indigenous fundament for implementing the welfare idea. Hence, the Slovene model of welfare state should be (re)considered in this respect, as well. As the historical empirical evidence proves, the label of "industrial achievement" the welfare state model fits its properties. Further, they bring it close to those models where the Bismarckian type of welfare has supreme place and influence. Moreover, the Bismarckian ideas of welfare substantially affected through its hundred years development history any model, but particularly in recessions. Slovenski model države blaginje se podobno kot tovrstne modele drugih (bivših) socialističnih držav označuje kot "socialistični model blaginje", ki je bil po eni strani vseobsežen in je formalno zagotavljal socialno varnost "od zibelke do groba", po drugi strani pa je bil namenjen le določenim kategorijam prebivalstva - industrijskim delavcem in politično lojalnim. Podrobnejša primerjalna analiza med celotnim razvojem glavnih predstavnikov zahodnoevropskih modelov države blaginje in srednjeevropskih - (bivših) socialističnih - modelov pa pokaže, da so se tudi slednji, med njimi pa tudi slovenski, razvijali podobno kot prvi. Sami modeli in na njih utemeljena socialna politika so bili povsod rezultat součinkovanja med zunanjimi zgledi in razmerami v konkretnem družbenem sistemu. Te razmere pa sobile kompleksen preplet tradicije, moči posameznih družbenih skupin in interesov elit. Tako ni razlogov, da bi slovenski model države blaginje še naprej označevali kot "socialistični" in zato "egalitaristični", saj po svoji tradiciji in razvojnih značilnostih sodi v krog "industrijsko-korporativističnih" modelov, kjer ima osrednjo vlogo in odločilni vpliv Bismarckov model blaginje. Ta pa je odločilno vplival tudi na razvoj drugih evropskih modelov blaginje, posebno v obdobjih gospodarskih recesij.