Opremljenost lastnikov gozdov pri sečnji v Gozdnogospodarski enoti Tolmin

V nalogi je obravnavana opremljenost lastnikov gozdov pri sečnji v Gozdnogospodarski enoti Tolmin. Gre za zelo razgibano enoto, kjer je pridobivanje lesa oteženo, predvsem zaradi slabe odprtosti z gozdnimi cestami ter razdrobljenosti lastniških posesti. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo analize l...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Rutar, Metka
Other Authors: Marenče, Jurij
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: M. Rutar 2014
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=17751
Summary:V nalogi je obravnavana opremljenost lastnikov gozdov pri sečnji v Gozdnogospodarski enoti Tolmin. Gre za zelo razgibano enoto, kjer je pridobivanje lesa oteženo, predvsem zaradi slabe odprtosti z gozdnimi cestami ter razdrobljenosti lastniških posesti. Raziskava je bila izvedena s pomočjo analize lastnikov na omenjenem območju. Uporabljena je bila analiza trenutnegastanja opremljenosti in usposobljenosti lastnikov za sečnjo. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da večji del sečnje lastniki opravijo sami s pomočjo sorodnikov in znancev. Lastniki se med seboj razlikujejo po velikosti gozdnih posesti, interesu ter znanju in času, ki so ga pripravljeni vložiti v gozd. Te razlike pomembno vplivajo na učinek in varnost opravljenih del. Na trgu se danes pojavlja pestra paleta različnih proizvajalcev s kvalitetno osebno varovalno opremo. Zaradi slabe opremljenosti in nepoznavanja rokovanja z motornimi žagami lahko pride do nastanka nezgod, ki so včasih tudi smrtne. Uporaba osebne varovalne opreme je obvezna in bi jo morali vsakokrat uporabljati pri delu v gozdu. Zaradi različnih dejavnikov, kot so motivacija in okoliščine, se lastniki gozdov osebni varovalni opremi premalo posvečajo, kljub temu da vedo, da jo je priporočljivo uporabljati. Na opravljanje del v gozdu pomembno vpliva tudi ustrezno znanje, ki ga lastniki pridobijo z opravljenim tečajem. Pravilna tehnika dela omogoča bolj varno delo v gozdu. The graduation thesis discusses the equipment of the forest workers for tree felling in the Tolmin Forest Management Unit. This is a very torn up unit, where it is difficult to perform the wood harvesting, especially because of a bad forest openness with few forest roads and crumbled properties. The research was carried out with the help of the analysis of the forest owners, working in the Unit. We conducted a current state analysis of the equipment of the owners and their qualification for tree felling. We found out that the owners perform a major part of the felling on their own or with the help of relatives and acquaintances. The owners differ in the size of the forest estates, interest and knowledge, and time they are prepared to invest in the forest. These differences have a great effect on the safety of the performed work. On the market of today, there is a wide choice of different manufacturers, offering a quality safety equipment. As a result of the use of a bad equipment and ignorance in using a handle chainsaw, an injury can arise,which sometimes can be fatal. The use of the safety equipment is necessary, therefore, it should be always used while working in the forest. Due to various factors, such as motivation and circumstances, the forest owners do not devote enough attention to the safety equipment, although they are aware that it is recommended to use it. The forest work is also greatly influenced by proper knowledge, acquired by attending a course. The right technique for carrying out the work enables a safer work in the forest.