V diplomskem delu opisujem razvoj novega pohištvenega sistema. Gre za modularno pohištvo, ki ga lahko sami hitro in enostavno razstavite ali sestavite, morda tudi spremenite v »novo« pohištvo. Koncept modularnega pohištva je v diplomskem delu predstavljen od začetne ideje, ki se je skozi čas razvila...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jenko, Anže
Other Authors: Kuhar, Rok
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2022
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu opisujem razvoj novega pohištvenega sistema. Gre za modularno pohištvo, ki ga lahko sami hitro in enostavno razstavite ali sestavite, morda tudi spremenite v »novo« pohištvo. Koncept modularnega pohištva je v diplomskem delu predstavljen od začetne ideje, ki se je skozi čas razvila v dejansko uporabno pohištvo. Poudarek pri mojem konceptu je predvsem na razstavljivosti, sestavljanju, minimalizmu, kompatibilnosti različnih gradnikov ter konceptu modularne gradnje. V diplomskem delu sem opisal tudi možne postopke izdelave posameznih gradnikov modularnega pohištva in predstavil končne konceptne produkte, ki so bili dejansko izdelani, nekateri izmed njih pa tudi testirani. Diplomska naloga je pripeljana do faze določitve končnih gradnikov in produktov, izdelave prototipov in izdelave končnih produktov, vključuje pa tudi preglednico z vsemi variacijami končnih produktov, številom gradnikov in težo le-teh. In my dissertation I will describe the development of a new furniture system. It is modular furniture, which you can quickly and easily disassemble or assemble yourself, maybe even change into "new" furniture. The concept of modular furniture is presented in the diploma thesis from the very initial idea, which over time has developed into actually usable furniture. The emphasis in my concept is mainly on disassembly, assembly, minimalism, compatibility of various building blocks and the concept of modular construction. In the diploma work, I also described the possible procedures for the production of individual components of modular furniture and presented the final conceptual products that were actually made and some of them also tested. The diploma thesis is brought to the stage of determining the final building blocks and products, prototyping and production of final products and a table with all the variations of the final products, the number of building blocks and their weight.