Priprava na podnebne in vremenske razmere ob obisku gora

Temeljna značilnost vremena v gorah je njegova velika časovna in prostorska spremenljivost. Lega gora, njihova nadmorska višina ter s tem povezano razmerje med deležem površja in proste atmosfere, pomembno krojijo vrednosti vremenskih spremenljivk, ter s tem pripomorejo k oblikovanju pestrega gorske...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Cerkovnik, Meta
Other Authors: Ogrin, Darko
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2021
Online Access:
Summary:Temeljna značilnost vremena v gorah je njegova velika časovna in prostorska spremenljivost. Lega gora, njihova nadmorska višina ter s tem povezano razmerje med deležem površja in proste atmosfere, pomembno krojijo vrednosti vremenskih spremenljivk, ter s tem pripomorejo k oblikovanju pestrega gorskega vremena. Namen naloge je raziskovanje podnebnih in vremenskih priprav obiskovalcev gora, saj so tam spremembe pogosto hitrejše in močnejše kot v ravninah. Osredotočila sem se na priprave na alpinističnih odpravah v tuja gorstva, saj je tam le ta in zadostno poznavanje razmer ključnega pomena. Osrednjo temo mojega dela predstavljajo intervjuji s tremi rednimi obiskovalci gora, ki so bili na alpinističnih odpravah v tujih gorstvih. Izbrala sem tri alpiniste, preučevala pa štiri večja gorstva. Na podlagi izvedenih intervjujev sem za preučevana gorstva strnila glavne podnebne značilnosti in priprave alpinistov na vzpone. The fundamental characteristic of weather in the mountains is its large temporal and spatial variability. Mountain’s location, it’s altitude and the ratio between the share of the surface and the free atmosphere, are the factors that significantly mould the values of weather variables and hence contribute to the shaping of the diverse mountain weather. The intention of this written assignment is to explore the climatic and weather preparations of mountaineers, as the changes in the mountains are frequently faster and stronger than on plains. I focused on preparations for alpinist expeditions to foreign mountains, as the preparation and adequate knowledge of conditions are crucial there. The main topic of my assignment are the interviews with three regular mountaineers who have completed some foreign mountain expeditions. I talked to three mountain climbers and studies four larger mountain regions. Based on the conducted interviews I summarized the chief weather characteristics and alpinist preparations for ascents in the studied mountain regions.