Vpliv ambienta v produktni fotografiji

Dandanes se vse več ljudi poslužuje spletnega nakupovanja, kjer vsa prodaja poteka zgolj na osnovi fotografij, ki jih prodajalci prikažejo na njihovem spletni mestu/oglasu/trgovini itd. Od vsakega prodajalca posebej je odvisno, kako bo predstavil svoj izdelek. Po članku iz spletnega mesta Expert Pho...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Radosavac, Sergej
Other Authors: Javoršek, Dejana
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2021
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=124768
Summary:Dandanes se vse več ljudi poslužuje spletnega nakupovanja, kjer vsa prodaja poteka zgolj na osnovi fotografij, ki jih prodajalci prikažejo na njihovem spletni mestu/oglasu/trgovini itd. Od vsakega prodajalca posebej je odvisno, kako bo predstavil svoj izdelek. Po članku iz spletnega mesta Expert Photography naj bi se 99 odstotkov nakupov zgodilo zaradi čustvene reakcije in cilj vsakega prodajalca je, da to sproži v samem kupcu. Vsaka fotografija, ki predstavlja določen izdelek, mora biti premišljena. V diplomskem delu bomo opisali ter razčlenili produktno fotografijo. Pod drobnogled pa bomo vzeli še t. i. »flat-lay« fotografijo, ki je dandanes vse bolj popularna med bolj ali manj profesionalnimi fotografi. Govorili bomo tudi o fotografiji ur, ki smo jo sami uporabili pri izdelavi eksperimenta. Z izdelanimi fotografijami smo ure prikazali v njihovem najbolj in najmanj ustreznem ambientu. Strinjanje ali nestrinjanje anketirancev smo predstavili v rezultatih. Spol in starost udeležencev nista vplivala na rezultate ankete, s katerimi smo dosegli naša pričakovanja. Na najvišjih mestih so namreč pristale kombinacije ur in ambientov, ki so se stilsko ujemali med seboj (npr. športna ura v športnem ambientu). Nowadays more and more people are using online shopping, where all the sales are based on photos that the sellers show on their web sites/ads/stores, etc. It depends on each retailer how they want to present their products. According to an article from the Expert Photography website, ninety-nine percent of all purchases happen because of a customer’s emotional reaction, and the goal of every seller is to trigger that reaction in a customer. Each photo that represents a specific product needs to be thought out. In the thesis we will describe and break down the process of product photography. We will also take the »flat-lay« photography under the microscope, which is nowadays increasing in popularity and used among more or less professional photographers. We will also talk about the photography of the watches, which we used in the experiment. With the photographs taken, we showed the watches in their most and least appropriate ambience. The agreement or disagreement of the respondents was presented in the results. The gender and age did not affect the results of the survey, with which we met our expectations. In fact, the combinations with the matching watch and ambience styles reached the highest scores (e.g. a sports watch in an ambience of a sport).