Uporabniki "Društva Pot" in strokovni delavci o programih pomoči na področju zasvojenosti

V magistrski nalogi sem raziskala poglede uporabnikov, ki obiskujejo društvo Pot v Ilirski Bistrici in Pivki. Poleg pogledov s strani uporabnikov so me zanimala tudi razmišljanja strokovnih delavcev, ki v takšnih dnevnih centrih delujejo in se ukvarjajo s področjem zasvojenosti s prepovedanimi droga...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vičič, Tina
Other Authors: Poštrak, Milko
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2020
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=120038
Summary:V magistrski nalogi sem raziskala poglede uporabnikov, ki obiskujejo društvo Pot v Ilirski Bistrici in Pivki. Poleg pogledov s strani uporabnikov so me zanimala tudi razmišljanja strokovnih delavcev, ki v takšnih dnevnih centrih delujejo in se ukvarjajo s področjem zasvojenosti s prepovedanimi drogami. V teoretičnem delu sem podala definicijo zasvojenosti in razmišljanje različnih avtorjev o tej tematiki. Nadaljevala sem s predstavitvijo vrste drog, kjer sem navedla tudi tveganja pri sami uporabi. Opisala sem socialnovarstvene programe, namenjene uporabnikom prepovedanih drog, kamor sem vključila tako visokopražne kot nizkopražne programe, saj so za uporabnike prepovedanih drog oboji bistvenega pomena. Natančneje sem opisala društvo Pot, ki spada pod nizkopražne programe in so vanj vključeni vsi moji sogovorniki. Nalogo sem zaključila s pomenom strokovnih delavcev pri delu z uporabniki in pomenom socialnega dela. Naloga temelji na pogledih uporabnikov in strokovnih delavcev na delovanje samih dnevnih centrov, možnih izboljšavah tako dnevnih centrov kot širitvi in možnih izboljšavah v občinah Ilirska Bistrica, Pivka, Sežana ter Ljubljana, kjer omenjeni strokovni delavci delujejo. Poudarek sem dala tudi na samo življenje uporabnikov in njihov pogled na družbo in okolje, v katerem živijo. V empiričnem delu je predstavljena kvalitativna raziskava. Glavni vir podatkov je šest uporabnikov, ki obiskujejo društvo Pot. Trije društvo obiskujejo v Ilirski Bistrici in trije v Pivki. Drugi del intervjujev sem izvedla s petimi strokovnimi delavci, ki delujejo na področju prepovedanih drog. Štirje med njimi delujejo v podobnih dnevnih centrih v treh različnih občinah. Opravila sem intervju s strokovnim vodjem društva Pot v Ilirski Bistrici, intervjuja s strokovno vodjo in strokovno delavko društva PO MOČ Sežana, strokovno delavko društva Stigma v Ljubljani ter raziskovalko na Nacionalnem inštitutu za javno zdravje Koper. V rezultatih so predstavljene teme raziskave, ki sem jih pridobila s pomočjo intervjujev. V nadaljevanju so dodani rezultati, ki jim sledi razprava in moje ugotovitve. Na koncu pa so podani ugotovljeni sklepi in predlogi za izboljšave ter spremembe za še večjo podporo in pomoč uporabnikom. This master thesis aims at analyzing users’ responses to the Pot association’s addiction treatments and programs in Ilirska Bistrica and Pivka. The association functions as a day centre offering a variety of preventive measures and anti-drug activities. The perception of the professional workers in drug demand reduction were taken into consideration as well. In the theoretical framework of the thesis, the concepts that are central to the topic are defined. The concept of addiction, various types of drugs and their effects as well as common health risks are explored and presented. What follows is the presentation of social welfare programs. It focuses on strict high-threshold programs as well as on low-threshold programs. The Pot association is closely analyzed as the low-threshold program that the participants have experienced. The theoretical analysis highlights the importance of social work, social workers, and practitioners. The analysis is based on users and practioners’ responses to the concept and effectiveness of the addressed addiction treatments, programs and day centres. It also offers their reflections on possible improvements as well as on the extension of activities in the areas of Ilirska Bistrica, Pivka, Sežana and Ljubljana. The users’ lifestyles, values and their outlook on life were taken into consideration as well to gain an accurate picture of their life situation. The performed qualitative research is presented in the empirical part of the thesis. Interviews with six users of the analysed Pot’s addiction programs have been used for data collection. Three interviewees participate in association’s activities in Ilirska Bistrica, whereas the other three interviewees use the association’s services in Pivka. Interviews have been used as a form of collecting data from the professional workers and practitioners as well. There were 5 individuals included in the research. Their professional work is related to the field of illicit drugs. The empirical work included interviews with the head of the Pot association, interviews with the professional workers and with the head of the POMOČ association in Sežana, and interviews with a professional worker and the head of the Stigma association in Ljubljana. A researcher at Nacionalni inštitut za javno zdravje Koper (The National Institute of Public Health) contributed to the analysis as well. The interviews served as a way of obtaining the information needed to analyse and present the research topics. The result section is followed by the discussion section. The findings and conclusions as well as some proposals for improvements are included in the final section of the thesis. This way the analysis can serve as a basis of further addiction programs’ improvements.