Avtoriteta učitelja v osnovni šoli

Namen magistrske naloge je obravnavati avtoriteto učitelja v šoli. Avtoriteta učitelja je ključna za prenos znanja na učence. Učitelji jo vzpostavljajo na različne načine in se pri tem opirajo na različne dejavnike. Ključna oseba pri vzpostavljanju avtoritete je poleg učitelja tudi učenec. Med učite...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Tolar, Mirjam
Other Authors: Krek, Janez
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2020
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=116104
Summary:Namen magistrske naloge je obravnavati avtoriteto učitelja v šoli. Avtoriteta učitelja je ključna za prenos znanja na učence. Učitelji jo vzpostavljajo na različne načine in se pri tem opirajo na različne dejavnike. Ključna oseba pri vzpostavljanju avtoritete je poleg učitelja tudi učenec. Med učiteljem in učencem naj bi se vzpostavilo transferno razmerje. Ta odnos omogoča prenos znanja z učitelja na učenca. Učenec s strani učitelja ni ustrahovan ali poniževan, ampak učitelja dojema kot nekoga, ki je strokovno podkovan, ki je pošten, ga lahko nekaj nauči. Na vzpostavitev avtoritete pa vplivajo tudi učna snov, osebnostne lastnosti učitelja, predmet, metode dela ipd. Učitelju avtoriteta ni podarjena, ampak si jo mora pridobiti sam in jo s svojim delom tudi ohranjati. V izvedeni empirični raziskavi sem učiteljem in učencem izbrane osnovne šole razdelila anketni vprašalnik, v katerem sem preverjala obstoj štirih tipov avtoritete na šoli ter kateri dejavniki, po mnenju učiteljev, pomembno vplivajo na vzpostavitev avtoritete. Rezultati raziskave s faktorsko analizo so pokazali obstoj štirih tipov avtoritete učitelja na izbrani osnovni šoli. Analiza odgovorov učiteljev je pokazala, da so ključni dejavniki pri vzpostavljanju avtoritete dejavniki, ki vplivajo na odnos med učiteljem in učencem (spoštovanje, pravičnost, zaupanje) ter pedagoško in strokovno znanje. Družina in avtoriteta ostalih učiteljev na šoli, po mnenju anketiranih učiteljev, tudi pomembno vplivata na vzpostavitev avtoritete. Učitelji so dejavnikom, na katere imajo sami le posreden vpliv, pripisali manjši vpliv kot dejavnikom, na katere lahko sami bistveno vplivajo. The purpose of the master's thesis is to address the authority of a teacher in school. Teacher´s authority is crucial for transferring knowledge to students. Teachers build authority up in a different way, relying on different factors. The student also plays an important role in establishing the authority of the teacher. A transfer relationship should be established between teacher and student. This attitude enables the transfer of knowledge from teacher to student. The student from the teacher's side is not intimidated or humiliated, but perceives the teacher as someone who is knowledgeable, honest, who can teach something. Establishment of authority is influenced by the subject matter, the teacher's personality traits, subject, work methods, etc. The authority is not given to the teacher, but must be acquired by the teacher him/herself and must be preserved through his/her work. I have conducted an empirical research among teachers and pupils of the selected primary school, where I have distributed a questionnaire, which has examined the emergence of four types of authority at school and which factors, in the opinion of the teachers, have a significant influence on the establishment of authority. The results of the factor analysis in the survey revealed the existence of four types of teacher authority in the selected primary school The analysis of the teachers' responses, however, has showed that the key factors in establishing authority are the factors that influence the teacher-student relationship (respect, justice, trust) and pedagogical and professional knowledge. According to the surveyed teachers, the family and the authority of other teachers at the school also have a significant influence on establishing authority. Teachers attributed less influence to the factors that only indirectly influence their authority, than to the factors they themselves can influence significantly.