Podelitev in odvzem javnega pooblastila

Institut javnega pooblastila je v slovenskem pravnem redu že dolgo prisoten. Posledično lahko rečemo, da je to na splošno dobro urejen ter razdelan institut, ki kot tak ni povezan z večjo pravno problematiko. Na njegovo pomembnost nakazuje že umestitev ter ureditev v sami ustavnopravni materiji. V s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Čibej, Erik
Other Authors: Pirnat, Rajko
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=111461
Summary:Institut javnega pooblastila je v slovenskem pravnem redu že dolgo prisoten. Posledično lahko rečemo, da je to na splošno dobro urejen ter razdelan institut, ki kot tak ni povezan z večjo pravno problematiko. Na njegovo pomembnost nakazuje že umestitev ter ureditev v sami ustavnopravni materiji. V samem bistvu gre za prenos upravnih nalog na subjekte izven same državne uprave, ko to dopuščata razlog smotrosti ali odsotnost potrebe po stalnem političnem nadzoru nad opravljanjem določenih nalog. Dejanski tipi (u)pravnih nalog, ki bodo nosilcu javnega pooblastila zaupani, bodo seveda odvisni od specifične zakonske opredelitve in so zato lahko od primera do primera zelo različni. Hkrati se je potrebno zavedati, da v Sloveniji trenutno obstaja veliko različnih nosilcev javnih pooblastil in to na zelo različnih upravnih področjih. Ta razpršenost terja veliko področne zakonodaje, ki pa lahko isto tematiko (kot je npr. podelitev javnega pooblastila) ureja na zelo različne načine. Tako smo trenutno priča stanju, ko imamo hkrati primere z natančno razdelanim celotnim postopkom podelitve, ter na drugi strani primere, ko je ureditev te iste materije zelo pomanjkljiva ali pa kar napotuje na uporabo določb drugih (splošnih) zakonov. Kot najpomembnejša okoliščina, ki za sabo povleče določene razlike tako pri podelitvi kot pri odvzemu javnega pooblastila, pa je zagotovo samo dejstvo ali se javno pooblastilo podeli pravni osebni javnega prava ali subjektu druge pravnoformalne oblike. The legal construct of public authorisation has been present in the Slovenian legal order for quite some time. Consequently, we can say that this is a fairly well regulated and refined legal construct, which is not related to many legal issues. Its importance can be derived from the fact that it can be found in the Slovenian constitution, which also governs it. At its essence, this legal construct is a transfer of administrative tasks/functions onto entities which are not a part of State Administration, but only if the reason of efficiency or the lack of need for permanent political supervision allows this transfer. The actual types of administrative tasks being trusted to the holder of public authorisation will depend on the specific legal qualifications, which means that they can differ a lot from case to case. At the same time, we have be aware of the fact, that there are currently in Slovenia a lot of different holders of public authorisations, on many different areas of State Administration. This fragmentation requires a lot of sectoral legislation, which can regulate the same subject-matter (e.g. granting of public authorisation) in a very different manner. As a consequence, we are witnessing a legislative state where we have cases of detailed descriptions of the whole grant procedure, while on the other hand we also have legislation, which regulates the same subject-matter inadequately or it just refers to other (general) legislative acts. The most important circumstance, which is also the reason for certain differences in granting and withdrawal of public authorisation, is certainly the sole fact of whether the public authorisation is granted to legal person governed by public law or to any other subject/ legal or physical person.