Položaj otroka v sodnem postopku

Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati položaj otroka v sodnem postopku v Sloveniji. Osredotočila sem se na visoko konfliktne situacije na področju družine. Sem spadajo predvsem vprašanja starševske skrbi ob razvezi, kot so vzgoja in varstvo, stiki, preživnina. Teoretski del obsega predvsem teorij...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vukša, Nika
Other Authors: Leskošek, Vesna
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=109745
Summary:Namen magistrske naloge je bil raziskati položaj otroka v sodnem postopku v Sloveniji. Osredotočila sem se na visoko konfliktne situacije na področju družine. Sem spadajo predvsem vprašanja starševske skrbi ob razvezi, kot so vzgoja in varstvo, stiki, preživnina. Teoretski del obsega predvsem teorijo o otrokovih pravicah, načine vključevanja otroka v sodni postopek in smernice za pogovor z otrokom. V teoriji me je zanimala primerjava položaja otroka v Sloveniji z Nemčijo, Avstrijo, Švedsko, Finsko. Dotaknila sem se sprememb, ki prihajajo z novim Družinskim zakonikom, in vloge socialnega dela pri položaju otroka v sodnem postopku. V raziskovalnem delu me je predvsem zanimalo, kakšno je mnenje strokovne javnosti o položaju otroka v sodnem postopku, kako določajo koristi otroka na sodišču in na centru za socialno delo. Zanimalo me je, ali posamezne strokovne službe vključujejo otroka v postopek in na kakšen način. Z raziskovanjem sem želela odkriti tudi, kako bi položaj otroka izboljšali, zato me je zanimalo, s katerimi ovirami se srečujejo pri vključevanju otroka v postopek in kakšne spremembe pričakujejo z novim Družinskim zakonikom. Raziskavo sem podprla s sedmimi intervjuji. Intervjuje sem izvedla z odvetnico na področju družinskega prava, uporabnico, ekspertko iz izkušenj, dvema socialnima delavkama na centrih za socialno delo, dvema sodnicama iz družinskega oddelka okrožnih sodišč in Vlasto Nussdorfer, bivšo varuhinjo človekovih pravic. V intervjujih sem izvedela, da je položaj otroka v zakonodaji drugačen kot v praksi. Enako velja za spremembe v Družinskem zakoniku. Strokovnjaki si sprememb želijo, vendar so v dvomih, ali se bodo v praksi izkazale za pozitivne. Korist otroka v sodnem postopku določajo predvsem s pomočjo dokazov in največkrat se medtem oprejo na mnenje centrov za socialno delo in mnenje izvedenca. Tukaj se že pokaže, kako veliko vlogo ima center za socialno delo. Otroka vključijo, če ga, največkrat ravno na centru za socialno delo, kjer po pogovoru določijo, kateri od staršev bolje zadovoljuje razvojne potrebe otroka. Sodnik največkrat prepusti pogovor z otrokom centru za socialno delo, saj se sami ne čutijo dovolj sposobne za vodenje pogovora. Glavne ugotovitve moje raziskave sledijo prav temu. Če želimo položaj otroka v sodnem postopku izboljšati, moramo strokovnjake usposobiti za delovanje na področju družine in jim priskrbeti dodatno znanje ter oporo. Sodnikom primanjkuje socialno delovnega znanja, socialni delavci pa so preobremenjeni in ne morejo opraviti tolikšnega števila pogovorov z otroki, kot bi si želeli. Treba je zagotoviti nov, dodaten kader in opolnomočiti strokovnjake, da bodo lahko naprej opolnomočili otroke. The purpose of my master’s thesis is to research the situation of the child in the legal proceedings in Slovenia. I was concentrated to highly conflictive situations in the sphere of the family. These are especially the cases of parental care after the divorce, for example education and care, contacts and alimony. The theoretical part contains mainly theory about the child’s rights, the ways to include the child in the legal proceeding and the guidelines for the conversation with the child. In the theory I was interested in comparison of situation of the child in Slovenia with the situation in Germany, Austria, Sweden and Finland. I touched the changes which are coming with the new Family code and the role of the social work at the situation of the child in the legal proceedings. In the research I was especially interested about the opinion of the experts about the situation of the child in the legal proceedings, how the courts and the centres for social work define the child’s benefits. I wandered whether the expert offices include the child into the proceeding and how. I also wanted to find out how we could improve the situation of the child, so I wanted to know which obstacles obstruct including of the child in the proceeding and which changes they expect with the new Family code. I supported the research with seven interviews. I interviewed a layer in the field of the family law, a user, the expert on experience and two social workers from the social work centres, two judges from the family department of the district courts and Vlasta Nussdorfer, ex ombudsman of RS. In realized from the interviews that the situation of the child is in practice different than in law. The same is in the case of the changes in the Family code. The experts want the changes but they doubt whether or not the practice will find them positive. They define the benefit of the child in the legal proceeding especially with the evidence and to find the evidence they search the opinion of the social work centres and the opinion of the expert. Here we can see how important the role of the social work centres is. They include the child – if they do – mostly in the social work centres, where they define after the conversation which of the parents better fulfils the child’s needs in the growth. The judge most of times leaves the conversation with the child to Centres for Social Work, because they don’t fell competent to lead the conversation with the child. The main conclusions of my research are in that way. If we want to improve the situation of the child in the legal proceeding we have to train the experts for work in the field of the family and acquire them additional knowledge and support. The judges have lack of the knowledge from the field of the social work and the social workers have too much work and cannot have conversations with so many children as they would like to. It is necessary to provide new, additional staff and empower experts so that they can empower children.