Terapevtska komunikacija medicinske sestre s starši pri soočanju z diagnozo raka pri otroku

Uvod: Rak pri otrocih je izrazit globalni zdravstveni problem, zlasti v državah z nizkim in srednjim ekonomskim standardom. Ti otroci so ena izmed najbolj ranljivih populacij, zaradi njihove starosti in agresivnosti zdravljenja. Medicina je v zadnjih letih zelo napredovala, umrljivost otrok s to dia...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Krajner, Klara
Other Authors: Thaler, Darja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=109577
Summary:Uvod: Rak pri otrocih je izrazit globalni zdravstveni problem, zlasti v državah z nizkim in srednjim ekonomskim standardom. Ti otroci so ena izmed najbolj ranljivih populacij, zaradi njihove starosti in agresivnosti zdravljenja. Medicina je v zadnjih letih zelo napredovala, umrljivost otrok s to diagnozo se je zmanjšala, vendar še vedno kljub napredku umre vsak peti otrok. Pri tem se družina sooča s pomembnimi fizičnimi, psihičnimi, družbenimi in duhovnimi izzivi. Diagnoza raka pogosto povzroča stisko, kot je skrb o napredovanju ali recidivu bolezni. Zato je ključnega pomena pri zdravljenju tudi komunikacija medicinske sestre. Z njo lahko dosežemo, da se otrok in družina lažje soočata z diagnozo, to pa pripomore tudi k samemu zdravljenju le-te. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti vlogo medicinske sestre pri soočanju staršev z otrokovo diagnozo, pomen dobre komunikacije ter značilnosti in tehnike terapevtske komunikacije. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu smo uporabili deskriptivno metodo dela s pregledom slovenske in tuje literature pregledali smo tako znanstveno kot strokovno literaturo. Starost literature je bila omejena na leta od 2005 do 2018, uporabili pa smo tudi literaturo iz leta 1998. Literatura je bila iskana v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, PubMed, COBBISS, Medline in Cochrane Library. Rezultati: Obvladovanje različnih tehnik terapevtske komunikacije medicinski sestri omogoča, da vstopi v otrokovo okolje in okolje njegovih staršev ter z njimi vzpostavi terapevtski odnos. Uporaba tehnik je odvisna od otrokovih potreb, od stopnje zaupanja, od njegovega zdravstvenega stanja in njegove starosti. Med tehnike terapevtske komunikacije štejemo: poslušanje, odprta vprašanja, parafraziranje, humor, terapevtski dotik. Delo medicinske sestre mora biti usmerjeno na otroka in na starše. Razprava in zaključek: Rak pri otrocih je vse pogosteje diagnosticirana bolezen, ki ima velik vpliv na celotno otrokovo družino in kakovost otrokovega življenja po njej. Zato sta pomembna pravilen pristop in komunikacija medicinske sestre le-ta si mora pridobiti zaupanje staršev in otroka, saj to vpliva na počutje in potek zdravljenja. V Sloveniji je na to temo veliko napisanega, v sami praksi pa dobri komunikaciji še vedno ne dajemo tolikšnega pomena, kot bi bilo potrebno. Introduction: Childhood cancer is a prominent health issue, targeting particularly low-income and middle-income countries. The affected children are one of the most vulnerable populations due to their age and to the aggressive treatment. In recent years, medicine has progressed significantly and children's mortality has declined with this diagnosis, but still every fifth is still dead despite the progress. Thereafter, the family is faced with extensive physical, mental, social, and spiritual challenges. Cancer diagnosis often leads to anguish accompanying worries about progression of the disease or relapse thereof. Therefore, communication of nurses is of key importance in treatment. With it, we can achieve that the child and the family are more likely to face a diagnosis, which also contributes to the treatment of this. Purpose: The purpose of this Bachelor’s thesis is to present the role of a nurse in helping parents to process their child’s diagnosis, as well as to demonstrate the importance of effective communication, and the characteristics and techniques of therapeutic communication. Methods: In the thesis the descriptive research method has been used in reviewing Slovene and foreign literature – scientific as well as technical publications have been reviewed. The range of publication dates has been limited to the years from 2005 to 2018 and also from the year 1998. Databases CHINAL, PubMed, COBISS, Medline, and Cochrane Library have been used in the search of literary sources. Results: Mastering various techniques of therapeutic communication allows the nurse to become a part of the child’s and their parents’ environment, and to develop a therapeutic relationship. The use of the techniques depends on the child’s needs, the level of trust, the child’s medical condition, and their age. The techniques of therapeutic communication encompass listening, open-ended questions, paraphrasing, humour, and therapeutic touch. The nurse’s job is to prioritize the child and their parents. Discussion and conclusion: Childhood cancer is an increasingly diagnosed disease, which radically affects the child’s family, and the quality of life after the recovery. Therefore, what is of vital importance is a correct approach and communication skills of the nurse, who has to gain the parents’ and the child’s trust, as such relationship majorly impacts the well-being and the course of the treatment. In Slovenia there is a great deal on this topic, but in practice we still do not give much importance to good communication.