Dejavniki ranljivosti žensk v prostituciji

V diplomskem delu predstavljam vpliv dejavnikov ranljivosti na osebe z izkušnjo s prostitucijo. V teoretičnem delu sem zajela definicijo trgovine z ljudmi, vidike ženske prostitucije na Slovenskem, ki zajema tudi področje prisile in zakonskega okvira v Sloveniji. Govorila bom o razlogih za prostituc...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Debelak, Urška
Other Authors: Leskošek, Vesna
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:V diplomskem delu predstavljam vpliv dejavnikov ranljivosti na osebe z izkušnjo s prostitucijo. V teoretičnem delu sem zajela definicijo trgovine z ljudmi, vidike ženske prostitucije na Slovenskem, ki zajema tudi področje prisile in zakonskega okvira v Sloveniji. Govorila bom o razlogih za prostitucijo in dejavnikih tveganja ter travmi kot posledici izkušnje s prostitucijo. Raziskava temelji na osebnih pripovedih in izkušnjah oseb, ki imajo za sabo izkušnjo s prostitucijo oziroma so na neki točki v svojem življenju izbrali prostitucijo kot vir dohodka. Zanimala me je prisotnost dejavnikov ranljivosti v njihovem življenju, vse od otroštva, do izkušnje s prostitucije. Prav tako sem se posvetila sami izkušnji s prostitucijo in oblikam pomoči, ki so nudene osebam. Rezultati kažejo, da je imela vsak izmed sodelujočih za seboj težavno otroštvo, kar je za seboj potegnilo nastanek različnih tveganih situacij oziroma dejavnikov ranljivosti. Pogoste so izkušnje z nasiljem tako v primarni družini kot kasneje. Vse sodelujoče so bile na neki točki v prostitucijo prisiljene in poudarjajo odsotnost izbire v življenju, prav tako izražajo veliko stopnjo neznanja in neozaveščenosti glede pomoči, ki jim pripada oziroma jim je na voljo. Tema prostitucije je še vedno velik tabu v naši družbi, osebe se soočajo s stigmatizacijo in neodobravanjem. In my thesis I present the influence of vulnerability factors on persons with experience of prostitution. The conceptual and theoretical framework consist of theory of Human trafficking, aspects of women prostitution in Slovenia, which also covers the field of coercion and legal framework in Slovenia. I will also write about the reasons for person to chose prostitution as profession and the factors of risk and trauma as a resoult of the experience of prostitution. The research is qualitative and is based on experiences of people, who have experience with prostitution or have chosen prsotitution at one point of their life as a saource of income. I was interestet in the presence of vulnerability factors in their lives, from childhood, to the experience with prostitution. I was also exploring the experience of prostitution itself and the forms of help, provided to the people in prostitution. Based on the analysis of the results I have concluded that all interviewees had a difficult childhood, which has led to the emergence of verious risky situations or vulnerability factors. There are a lot of experiences of violence in both the primary family and also later in life. All the participants were victems of forced prostitucion or human trafficking in one point of theri lives and they are undermining the absence of a choice in their life. They exspressed a high degree of lack of awereness of assistance, that they are entiteled to. The theme of prostitution is still a big taboo in our society. People are often faced with stigmatization and disapproval.