Doživljanje nosečnosti in starševstva po uspešno zdravljeni neplodnosti

Uvod: Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija ocenjuje, da se z neplodnostjo v državah v razvoju sooča kar vsak četrti par. Oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo je pomembno pripomogla k reševanju neplodnosti, vendar se kljub uspešno doseženi nosečnosti boj s psihološkimi vidiki takšne diagnoze nadaljuje. Nam...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Trnjanin, Klara Valentina
Other Authors: Mihelič Zajec, Andreja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2019
Online Access:
Summary:Uvod: Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija ocenjuje, da se z neplodnostjo v državah v razvoju sooča kar vsak četrti par. Oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo je pomembno pripomogla k reševanju neplodnosti, vendar se kljub uspešno doseženi nosečnosti boj s psihološkimi vidiki takšne diagnoze nadaljuje. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, ali se doživljanje nosečnosti in starševstva pri nosečnicah in parih, ki so bili predhodno zdravljeni zaradi neplodnosti razlikuje od doživljanja nosečnic in parov, ki so zanosili spontano. Želeli smo ugotoviti, ali se pri nosečnicah po zdravljeni neplodnosti v večji meri pojavljajo stres, anksioznost, strah pred porodom, slaba samopodoba ter manjša navezanost na otroka. Metode dela: Uporabili smo deskriptivno metodo dela, narejen je bil sistematični pregled literature. Vire smo iskali v naslednjih podatkovnih bazah: CINAHL, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect, SocINDEX. Skupaj s pregledom referenčnih seznamov smo identificirali 1044 enot, od katerih smo v končno analizo vključili 19 člankov. Za oceno kakovosti analiziranih člankov smo uporabili GRADE lestvico. Rezultati: Kljub mnogim raziskavam so dokazi o doživljanju ankzioznosti in stresa v času nosečnosti neprepričljivi za trden zaključek. Pomembno je omeniti, da so ženske po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo večkrat manj anksiozne glede otrokovega zdravja kot tiste po spontani zanositvi. Kar lahko nakazuje, da imajo ženske napačen vtis o stanju embria, saj oploditev z biomedicinsko pomočjo ne pomeni nujno otroka brez zdravstvenih težav. Kakovost življenja parov po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo je mnogo nižja pri oceni socialnega delovanja, spolnosti ter fizičnega počutja, kar lahko povežemo z dejstvom, da je takšna nosečnost povezana z večjim tveganjem za zaplete v času nosečnosti in poroda. Razprava in zaključek: Na splošno se zdi, da imajo ženske po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo višji nivo specifične, z nosečnostjo povezane anksioznosti ter slabšo kakovost življenja v nekaterih pogledih. Hkrati pa ženske po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo k sami nosečnosti in izzivih, ki so del le te, pristopajo bolj pozitivno kot ženske, ki so spontano zanosile. Dolga zgodovina neuspešnega zdravljenja, odsoten partner, življenje, ki je popolnoma osredotočeno na otroka ter odsotnost spolnega zadovoljstva, so lahko kazalniki prihajajočih težav in negativnih čustev. Pristno razumevanje in izmenjava informacij tako s strani zdravstvenih delavcev kot parov po oploditvi z biomedicinsko pomočjo, omogoča iskren odnos, ki je temelj za sprotno reševanje izzivov in težav, ko se pojavijo. Le tako lahko ustvarimo pozitivno in “plodno” vzdušje, ki paru omogoči čim lažji in pozitiven prehod iz neplodnosti v družinsko življenje, ki so ga tako težko pričakovali. Introduction: The World Health Organization estimates that every fourth couple in developing countries is facing infertility. Fertilization with biomedical assistance has significantly contributed as a resolution to the problem of infertility, despite achieving a successful pregnancy, the battle with psychological aspects of such diagnosis continues. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma work is to determine whether the experience of pregnancy and parenting in pregnant women and couples who were previously treated for infertility differs, from the experience of pregnant women and couples who have become pregnant spontaneously. We wanted to find out whether pregnancy after infertility treatment is more likely to cause stress, anxiety, fear of birth, poor self-esteem and less attachment to the child. Methods: We used a descriptive method of work, a systematic review of literature was made. We searched for sources in the following databases: CINAHL, MEDLINE, ScienceDirect and SocINDEX. With this method and checking the reference lists we identified 1044 units, of which 19 articles were included in the final analysis. GRADE scale was used to assess the quality of analyzed articles. Results: Despite many studies, evidence of experiencing anxiety and stress during pregnancy is unconvincing for a firm conclusion. It is important to note that women after fertilization with biomedical assistance are often less anxious about child's health than those after spontaneous pregnancy. What may indicate that women have the wrong impression of the state of the embryo, since fertilization with biomedical assistance does not necessarily mean a child without health problems. The quality of couples' life after fertilization with biomedical assistance is much lower in the assessment of social activity, sexuality and physical well-being, which can be linked to the fact that such pregnancy is associated with a greater risk of complications during pregnancy and childbirth. Discussion and conclusion: In general, it seems that women who are pregnant after fertilization with biomedical assistance have a higher level of specific, pregnant-related anxiety and poor quality of life in some respects. At the same time, they cope with pregnancy and it’s challenges more positive than women who become pregnant spontaneously. A long history of unsuccessful treatment, an absent partner, a life that is completely focused on the child, and the absence of sexual satisfaction can be indicators of upcoming problems and negative feelings. Genuine understanding and exchange of information both by health professionals and couples after fertilization with biomedical assistance provides a sincere relationship that is the basis for solving challenges and problems when they occur. Only in this way can we create a positive and "fertile" atmosphere that enables the couples to make the transition from infertility to family life-which they were expecting so hard-as easy and positive as it can be.