Langston Hughes: preko meja Harlema

Namen pisanja naloge je bil podrobneje predstaviti Langstona Hughesa kot pesnika v obdobju Harlema in njegovo (pesniško) ustvarjanje po obdobju Harlemske renesanse. Podati pregled avtorjeve poezije in razvoja le-te od pesnikovih začetkov do njegove smrti. Naloge sem se lotila s teoretičnim delom o o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jejčič, Danijela
Other Authors: Matajc, Vanesa
Format: Master Thesis
Published: D. Jejčič 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Namen pisanja naloge je bil podrobneje predstaviti Langstona Hughesa kot pesnika v obdobju Harlema in njegovo (pesniško) ustvarjanje po obdobju Harlemske renesanse. Podati pregled avtorjeve poezije in razvoja le-te od pesnikovih začetkov do njegove smrti. Naloge sem se lotila s teoretičnim delom o obdobju Harlemske renesanse, nadaljevala z avtorjevo biografijo in bibliografijo ter teorijo jazz in blues glasbe, ki sta avtorjev opus močno zaznamovali. Pri sami analizi avtorjevega pesniškega opusa, sem njegovo ustvarjanje razdelila v štiri časovna obdobja oziroma desetletja, zdi se mi, da se na prelomu desetletja najbolje vidi avtorjev napredek in razvoj v pisanju. V analizi je poudarek na avtorjevi rabi žargona - "vernacular", uporabi ritma ter blues ali jazz forme oziroma njunih variacij, ki so veliko bolj značilne za Hughesovo pisanje. Hughes je bil en vidnejših modernih Ameriških pesnikov tedanjega časa, zlasti njegove politično angažirane pesmi in proza, so pustili pečat v literarnih krogih in zunaj njih. The purpose of this thesis was to present Langston Huges as a poet, to present his literary work during and after the period, known as the Harlem Renaissance, and to provide the overview of author's poetry, its development from the early beginnings to Huges' death. In the first part of the thesis, I tackled the Harlem Renaissance as the literary period, continued with the author's biography and concluded the paper with the biography as well as theory of jazz and blues music, which strongly marked the author's work. When analysing his works, I divided them into four time periods or decades and as conclusion I would say that the author's progress and development in writing is best seen at the turn of the decade. The analyse emphasizes the author's use of jargon - "vernacular", his use of rhythm as well as blues and jazz form or their variations, which are characteristic for Huges' writing. Huges was an important modern American poem of that time mostly his politically engaged poems and prose left a great mark, not only on literary society, but on society as such.