Primerjava terorističnih napadov v Parizu (2015) in Londonu (2005)

Vse večja globalizacija in povezanost sveta, lahka dostopnost do komunikacijskih sistemov predstavljajo tudi lažje povezovanje terorističnih skupin. Terorizem ne pozna meja in tarča smo lahko vsi. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča predvsem na verski samomorilski terorizem, ki ga je najtežje odkriti, za...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Srečnik, Eva
Other Authors: Prezelj, Iztok
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Vse večja globalizacija in povezanost sveta, lahka dostopnost do komunikacijskih sistemov predstavljajo tudi lažje povezovanje terorističnih skupin. Terorizem ne pozna meja in tarča smo lahko vsi. Diplomska naloga se osredotoča predvsem na verski samomorilski terorizem, ki ga je najtežje odkriti, zaradi njegove lahke in finančno dostopne izvedbe. Za primer sem si izbrala dva večja napada, ki sta se zgodila na tleh Evropske unije, to sta teroristični napad na podzemni sistem Londona 2005 in pa teroristični napad v Parizu 2015. Glavni cilj bo najti čim več podobnosti in razlik teh dveh napadov ter posledično predstaviti samo težavo terorizma. Oba napada sta izvedena s strani islamističnih pripadnikov, obema je skupen samomorilski napad in oba sta dosegla visoko stopnjo strahu med lokalnimi kot tujimi prebivalci. Prav tako sta si tudi v sami izvedbi zelo podobna, le da je napad v Parizu veliko bolj tehnično dodelan kot napad v Londonu, kjer so uporabljene tudi različne taktike. Oba napada sta pustila globok pečat celotni družbi in prispevala k povečanju rasne nestrpnosti in izgradnji t. i. islamofobije. Increasing globalization and the connection of the world, easy access to communication systems is an easier way to connect different terrorist groups. Terrorism knows no boundaries and we can all be the target of a terrorist attack. I will focus primarily on religious suicidal terrorism, which is most difficult to detect, due to its light and financially accessible implementation. For example, I chose the two major attacks that took place on the European Union's territory, which is terrorist attack on the London Underground System 2005 and the terrorist attack in Paris in 2015. My main goal will be to find as many similarities and differences as possible between these two attacks, and consequently, to present the very problem of terrorism. Both attacks were committed by Islamist members, both of them has in common a suicidal attack, both of them achieved a high level of fear among local and foreign members. They are also very similar in their performance, except that the attack in Paris is much more technically complete than the London attack, where various tactics are also used. Both attacks left a deep impact to the entire society and contributed to racial intolerance and the construction of the so-called islamophobia.