Analiza razlogov za vključevanje otrok v vadbe Športnega centra Fakultete za šport

Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti glavne razloge staršev za vpis otrok na vadbe Športnega centra Fakultete za šport. Poleg tega želimo ugotoviti še, katere dejavnosti, poleg vadb na FŠ, otroci obiskujejo, odnos staršev do športa – kolikokrat na teden se sami in skupaj kot družina ukvarjajo s šport...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Mlakar Debenec, Ema
Other Authors: Videmšek, Mateja
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti glavne razloge staršev za vpis otrok na vadbe Športnega centra Fakultete za šport. Poleg tega želimo ugotoviti še, katere dejavnosti, poleg vadb na FŠ, otroci obiskujejo, odnos staršev do športa – kolikokrat na teden se sami in skupaj kot družina ukvarjajo s športnimi dejavnostmi in tudi s katerimi. Ugotoviti želimo še, kakšne cilje imajo starši za svojega otroka pri vadbi, glede na svojo izobrazbo. Preko anonimnega anketnega vprašalnika je bilo anketiranih 70 staršev otrok, ki obiskujejo vadbe Športnega centra Fakultete za šport. Rezultate smo obdelali v programu Microsoft Excel 2013 in programu IBM SPSS 19. Hipoteze smo preverjali s pomočjo dvosmernega hi-kvadrata in Kruskal-Wallisovega testa, pri stopnji tveganja 5 %. Ugotovili smo, da je največ staršev za vadbe Športnega centra Fakultete za šport izvedelo na spletu ali socialnih omrežjih in preko znancev oz. prijateljev. Pobudnik za vpis je bila največkrat mati. Več kot polovica staršev se ni predhodno pozanimala o vaditeljih in vadbi. Za vpis pa so se starši največkrat odločili zaradi dostopnosti vadb, ki so v okviru njihovih finančnih zmožnosti in potekajo v bližini njihovega doma. Skoraj polovica otrok poleg vadb ne obiskuje drugih aktivnosti v prostem času. S športno aktivnostjo se 60 % staršev ukvarja 2-krat ali več kot 2-krat na teden. Ugotovili smo, da ne moremo potrditi, da se staršem z višjo izobrazbo zdijo pomembni drugačni cilji kot staršem z nižjo izobrazbo. Prav tako ne moremo potrditi, da se družine, kjer imajo starši višjo izobrazbo, s športno dejavnostjo ukvarjajo večkrat kot v družinah, kjer imajo starši nižjo izobrazbo. Smo pa potrdili, da ima večina staršev, katerih otroci so vpisani na vadbe, višjo izobrazbo. The purpose of this diploma paper is to indetify the main reasons why parents decide to enroll their children to organized workouts at Športni center Fakultete za šport. We are also interested in other free time activities that these children attend, as well as their parent's attitude towards sport- how many times at week are parents or the whole family physical active and which physical activitys they choose.In addition we are also interested in the goals that parents want for their children to achieve trough these organized workouts, in relation to the education and gender of parents. We used an anonim questionnaire in the research work, to help us obtain the necessary information. The sample consisted of 70 parents whose children attend organized workouts at Športni center Fakultete za šport. The results were gathered and processed with Microsoft Excel 2013 and with IBM SPSS 19. We used hisquare test and Kruskal-Wallis test to ckeck the hypothesis set, in which the significance level was stablished at the rate of five precent risk. The research showed that majority of parents found out about Športni center Fakultete za šport on the internet or social media and from friends, whose children has already practiced here. In most cases mother was initator to include the child in practice. Before enrolling more than a half parents did not get any informations about practice or coaches. The accessibility of organized workouts was the main reason that persued parents to enroll their children.Besides these workouts almost a half of kids do not participate in any other school activities. The questionaire also revealed that most of the parents whose children attend organized workouts are active, do some sport, from more than two times to one time a week. Our conclusion is that we can not confrim that parents with higher education think that different goals are important for their children than parents with lover education. We also can not confrim the claim, that families, where parents have higher education are more physically active, than familiys, where parent have lower education. We can only confrim that more parent with higher education enrolled their children to organized workouts at Športni center Fakultete za šport.