Odnos dijakov do sodobne umetnosti pri likovni umetnosti v gimnaziji

Predmet raziskave je raziskati, kakšen odnos imajo dijaki do umetnosti in kako se ta spremeni po spoznavanju umetnosti s pomočjo poststrukturalističnih pristopov. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge bomo preučili razlike med historično, moderno in sodobno umetnostjo. V preteklosti je umetnost najpr...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Pustoslemšek, Jernej
Other Authors: Kemperl, Metoda
Format: Master Thesis
Published: J. Pustoslemšek 2018
Online Access:https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=100954
Summary:Predmet raziskave je raziskati, kakšen odnos imajo dijaki do umetnosti in kako se ta spremeni po spoznavanju umetnosti s pomočjo poststrukturalističnih pristopov. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge bomo preučili razlike med historično, moderno in sodobno umetnostjo. V preteklosti je umetnost najprej sledila mimetičnemu upodabljanju, s pojavom modernizma ob koncu devetnajstega stoletja pa je sledila manifestom, ki so jih oblikovali umetniki sami. S tradicionalno obravnavo umetnin lahko interpretiramo klasično in moderno umetnost, pomanjkljiva pa je metodologija vrednotenj umetniških del, saj so se ta oddaljila od klasične umetnosti in so že po naravi pluralistična. Tako se pojavi raziskovalni problem, kako bolj celostno predstaviti sodobna umetniška dela pri pouku likovne umetnosti. Ukvarjali se bomo s pristopom, ki bo dijakom omogočil razumevanje in spoznavanje sodobne umetnosti. Zanimalo nas bo, kako se spremeni razumevanje umetnosti dijakov po spoznavanju vsebin sodobne umetnosti in po srečanju s sodobno avtentično umetnino. Ukvarjali se bomo s tem, kako dijaki dojemajo umetniška dela, če k interpretaciji pristopimo poststrukturalistično. Izvedli bomo akcijsko raziskavo, pri kateri bomo načrtovali korake z namenom izboljšanja prakse. Preverjali bomo učinke obravnave vsebine likovnih del. The subject of this research is to show the high-school students' attitude towards Art and how does that change after teaching Art with poststructuralistic methods. In theoreticall part we will examine the differences between historical, modern and contemporary Art. In the past the main aspect of Art was to produce artworks that were mimethically correct. With the rise of Modernism at the end of 19. century Art began to follow ideologies, that artists' defined by them selves. We can interpret classical and modern Art with traditional methods, but if that is the subject of interpretation of contemporary Art, the interpretation is faulty due to differences between the nature of classic and contemporary Art, wich has alienated from the past doctrines, and is by it's nature pluralistic. Therefore we find a research problem, wich is how to accurately interprete contemporary Artworks in Art classes. We will be working with new approaches, that will allow Students to understand contemporary Art. We will analyse how does Students' attitude towards Art change after learning contemporary Art's contents and after confronting them with contemporary authentic Artwork. Our research subjet will be based on how students understand Artworks if we aproach the interpretation poststructuralisticaly. We will do an Actions research, by wich we will plan steps with the intention of profounding praxis. We will check the effects of analysing the contents of Artworks.