Non-verbal communication in adult education: an important element for lecturers and listeners

Since the importance of non-verbal communication in the educational context is of great value and at the same time, in the case of Slovenia and in connection with adult learning, less studied (in comparisson to the education of children and adolescents), the basic aim of the research, whose results...

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Bibliographic Details
Published in:Andragoška spoznanja
Main Author: Paladin, Marija
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Ljubljana University Press, Faculty of Arts 2018
Online Access:
Summary:Since the importance of non-verbal communication in the educational context is of great value and at the same time, in the case of Slovenia and in connection with adult learning, less studied (in comparisson to the education of children and adolescents), the basic aim of the research, whose results are presented in the article, was to determine how important is non- non-verbal communication to adults in an educational context, with an emphasis on those adult learners who work as a lecturer. Collection of data on the importance of non-verbal communication in the educational context was carried out with a questionnaire. Validation of the results of the first phase of the research was carried out through a discussion with professional staff in the field of adult education. The research showed that the importance of non-verbal communication in the educational context is not only the feeling of the audience/student or the opinion of lecturers / teachers, but on the experience of both roles in one person grounded understanding on the importance of that essential part of interpersonal communication that can have a significant impact both on the outcome of communication and on the outcome of the educational process. Ker je pomen neverbalne komunikacije v izobraževalnem kontekstu pomemben, hkrati pa je na primeru Slovenije in v povezavi z izobraževanjem odraslih raziskan še manj kot v povezavi z izobraževanjem otrok in mladostnikov, je osnovni cilj raziskave, katere rezultati so predstavljeni v članku je bil ugotoviti, kakšen pomen neverbalni/nebesedni komunikaciji pripisujejo odrasli v izobraževalnem kontekstu, s poudarkom na tistih, ki tudi sami izobražujejo. Zbiranje podatkov o pomenu neverbalne komunikacije v izobraževalnem kontekstu je potekalo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Validacija rezultatov prve faze raziskave je potekala skozi razpravo s strokovnimi delavci na področju izobraževanja odraslih. Raziskava je pokazala, da pomen neverbalne komunikacije v izobraževalnem kontekstu ni le občutek slušateljev ali mnenje predavateljev/učiteljev temveč, na izkušnjah obeh vlog utemeljeno, razumevanje pomena bistvenega dela medosebne komunikacije, ki lahko pomembno vpliva tako na izid komunikacije kot na izid izobraževalnega procesa.