»Each Person Explains Veil in His Own Way«: Veiling among Slovenian Bosniaks

The article is based on the detailed fieldwork that I conducted between 2003 and 2006 in Jesenice. It is exploring the practices of covering among Slovenian Muslim women, specifically Bosniaks. It describes concrete practices of covering, analyses Koran ayat and hadith, religious foundations for cov...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kalčić, Špela
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC 2008
Online Access:https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/twohomelands/article/view/11208
Summary:The article is based on the detailed fieldwork that I conducted between 2003 and 2006 in Jesenice. It is exploring the practices of covering among Slovenian Muslim women, specifically Bosniaks. It describes concrete practices of covering, analyses Koran ayat and hadith, religious foundations for covering, presents the most widespread interpretations by Islamic intellectuals and researchers, and lastly turns attention to Bosniak interpretations of primary Islamic sources and their concrete implementation in practice. Interpretations of Koran ayat and hadith in which the covering is justified, are various and are in different environments manifested through very different material shapes and practices. Different understandings of the practice of covering are influenced by factors such as individual’s interpretations of Islam, education, personality and environment in which those interpretations take place, and is more important than Islamic sources, i.e. the text. The same is relevant for Slovenian Muslim women, the Bosniaks. Članek temelji na podrobnih terenskih raziskavah, ki sem jih opravila med letoma 2003 in 2006 na Jesenicah. Obravnava prakse pokrivanja med slovenskimi muslimankami, bolj natančno med Bošnjakinjami. Opisuje konkretne prakse pokrivanja, analizira koranske ajete in hadise, ki služijo kot verska osnova pokrivanja, predstavi njihove najbolj razširjene interpretacije med islamskimi intelektualci in raziskovalci, nazadnje pa se posveti še bošnjaškim interpretacijam primarnih islamskih virov in njihovim konkretnim udejanjanjem v praksi. Interpretacije koranskih ajetov in hadisov, na katerih se utemeljuje pokrivanje, so precej raznolike in se v različnih okoljih manifestirajo skozi zelo različne materialne oblike in prakse. Za prakse pokrivanja je bolj kot so sami islamski viri, torej tekst, pomembno njihovo razumevanje, na slednjega pa vplivajo različni dejavniki: kako vsak posameznik razume islam, njegova izobrazba, osebnost ter okolje, v katerem se te interpretacije odvijajo. Enako velja tudi za ...