Summary:The moment of truth for regional industrial policy in the Arctic has arrived. At the federal level, the need for an active state policy in the Arctic has been recognized — in recent years, state and private corporations have been implementing a dozen new projects. But there is no clarity in the priorities, directions, versions of the regional industrial policy in the Arctic. Based on the analysis of regional strategies for the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories, seven directions for an active industrial policy are outlined: energy, food and transport security, industry of local building materials, environmental industry, production localization of corporate projects and restructuring of production in old industrial cities and regions. The analysis of regional industrial policy laws confirmed that their context and advancedness depend on the size and internal structure of the regional industrial sector. Despite the huge role that corporate structures play in the aggregate industrial production, the issues of interaction with them and the formation of a general agenda for industrial policy, are indicated in most of the provisions absolutely insufficient. In general, in the Russian Arctic, the district industry forms about three quarters of the total industrial product. The dichotomy of urban and district industry within the industrial sector of the Arctic regions means the need to significantly differentiate the instruments and institutions of local industrial policy within the Arctic zone. The assessment of industrial production volumes, carried out at the level of Arctic municipalities, made it possible to determine the sequence of regions: Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Arctic Krasnoyarsk Territory (Norilsk Industrial Region, Taimyr and Evenkia, Turukhansk District), Murmansk Region, Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Arctic territories of the Komi Republic, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, the Arctic part of the Arkhangelsk Region, the Republic of Karelia and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia). Based on the ...