United States and Canada towards Russian policy in Arctic: Current situation and the prospects of development

The dynamic changes in the international balance of power taking place in recent years, have had an impact on the hitherto relatively stable situation in the Arctic. The traditional players there, i.e. the Arctic countries, are joined by new ones who claim to be present in this area, counting on a s...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Damski, Przemysław
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula 2020
Online Access:https://bibliotekanauki.pl/articles/901716.pdf
Summary:The dynamic changes in the international balance of power taking place in recent years, have had an impact on the hitherto relatively stable situation in the Arctic. The traditional players there, i.e. the Arctic countries, are joined by new ones who claim to be present in this area, counting on a share in the expected profits, whether from the extraction of local natural resources or the creation of new transit routes. Recent years have been especially exceptional in the manner. On the one hand, there are internal reforms in Russia, who has long strongly emphasized the link between her national security and the her sovereignty in the High North. This takes on a special overtone in the context of the international repercussions following the annexation of Crimea. On the other hand, there is a friction in the bloc of Western countries, both in the context of their attitude towards Russia’s foreign policy and of global warming and its consequences. For that reason it was decided to analyse regional strategies of three Arctic states: Russia, USA and Canada. The analysis has been based on new documents and indicate possible paths of development of the activities of these three Arctic actors in the High North. Zachodzące w ostatnich latach dynamiczne zmiany w międzynarodowym układzie sił nie pozostają bez wpływu na dotychczas względnie stabilną sytuację w Arktyce. Do tamtejszych tradycyjnych graczy, tj. państw arktycznych, dołączają nowi, którzy roszczą sobie prawa do obecności na tym obszarze, licząc na udział w spodziewanych zyskach, czy to z wydobycia tamtejszych surowców naturalnych, czy powstania nowych dróg tranzytowych. Ostatnie lata są pod tym względem wyjątkowe. Z jednej strony dochodzi do reform wewnętrznych w Rosji, która od dawna silnie zaznacza związek swojego bezpieczeństwa narodowego z suwerennością na Dalekiej Północy. Nabiera to szczególnego wydźwięku kontekście międzynarodowych reperkusji po aneksji Krymu. Z drugiej strony dochodzi do tarć w obozie państw zachodnich, zarówno w kontekście stosunku ...