Functioning of educational and care facilities during a pandemic

The pandemic situation we are currently experiencing requires not only from family but also from institutional foster care and social services to take non-standard activities nobody was prepared for. Additionally, lack of imposed solutions means that foster carers, educators and other employees of t...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Ruszkowska, Marzena
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Wydawnictwo APS 2020
Online Access:
Summary:The pandemic situation we are currently experiencing requires not only from family but also from institutional foster care and social services to take non-standard activities nobody was prepared for. Additionally, lack of imposed solutions means that foster carers, educators and other employees of the foster care system and their pupils feel left alone. The subject of the article's interest is the functioning of children staying in educational and care facilities and their educators during the coronavirus pandemic. The research was carried out in two phases. The first phase was of netographic research nature and consisted of a thorough analysis of articles posted on websites about the functioning of the foster care system during a pandemic. In the second phase, qualitative interviews (by telephone or using available communicators) were used in the Bialski poviat. Lack of specialized support, 24-hour childcare, preparing lessons with children, lack of remote learning equipment, mitigating conflicts, coping with the child’s aggression, adoption of new children from interventions, no access to specialists are just a few of the problems identified during the research. Therefore, the question arises: how long will the directors and educators of educational and care facilities be able to manage without additional support? Stan pandemii, który mamy obecnie, wymaga od rodzinnej i instytucjonalnej pieczy zastępczej oraz służb społecznych niestandardowych działań, na które nikt nie był przygotowany. Brak odgórnych rozwiązań powoduje, że opiekunowie zastępczy, wychowawcy i inni pracownicy systemu pieczy zastępczej oraz ich podopieczni czują się pozostawieni sami sobie. Przedmiotem zainteresowań artykułu uczyniono funkcjonowanie podopiecznych placówek opiekuńczo-wychowawczych i ich wychowawców w czasie pandemii koronawirusa. Badania przebiegały w dwóch fazach. Pierwsza faza miała charakter badań netograficznych i polegała na dokładnej analizie artykułów zamieszczanych na stronach internetowych dotyczących funkcjonowania ...