Summary:- Contents: Size, age, sexual maturity, and sex ratio in ocean quahogs, Arctica islandica off Long Island, New York; Food habits and dietary overlap of some shelf rockfishes (genus Sebastes) from the northeastern Pacific Ocean; Species associations and community composition of Middle Atlantic Bight continental shelf demersal fishes; Early zoeal stages of Placetron wosnessenskii and Rhinolithodes wosnessenskii and review of lithodid larvae of the northern North Pacific Ocean; Selection of vegetated habitat by brown shrimp, Penaeus aztecus, in a Galveston Bay salt marsh; Reproduction, movements, and population dynamics of the branded drum, Larimus fasciatus, in the Gulf of Mexico; Implications of investing under different economic conditions on the profitability of Gulf of Mexico shrimp vessels operating out of Texas; Quantitative and qualitative bacteriology of elasmobranch fish from the Gulf of Mexico; Distribution and feeding of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, on the continental shelf off New Jersey; Diel variations in the feeding habits of Pacific salmon caught in gill nets during a 24-hour period in the Gulf of Alaska; Arctic char predation on sockeye salmon smolts at Little Togiak River, Alaska; Bathymetric distribution, spawning periodicity, sex ratios, and size compositions of the mantis shrimp, Squilla empusa, in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico; Distribution, length-weight relationship, and length frequency data of southern kingfish, Menticirrhus americanus, in Mississippi; Scanning electron microscope evidence for yearly growth zones in giant bluefin tuna, Thunnus thynnus, otoliths from daily increments