
碩士 1949年中華人民共和國建立,卻遲至1952年始完成解放西藏,主要原因在於歷來西藏與中國境內並無公路連接,遑論鐵路。中國境內號稱擁有全世界運輸量第一的鐵路網,唯獨西藏自治區是「鐵路空白區」,歷代國家領導人無不期望任內完成鐵路進西藏的艱鉅任務。 毛澤東任內排除萬難與3000名工人捐軀後開通青藏公路,成為中國西藏間唯一寒冬不封閉的交通捷徑。但有生之年,毛澤東仍無緣一睹鐵路進藏。鄧小平任內,窮其國力,1979年僅完成青海省段鐵路(青藏鐵路第一期),依然無法突破多年凍土等工程難題。然而,鄧小平大力主張改革開放,使中國經濟突飛猛進,進而開啟江澤民「西部大開發」國家計劃之落實。 財政國力大幅崛起的中...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 徐伯卿; Hsu, Po-ching
Other Authors: 淡江大學中國大陸研究所碩士在職專班, 李志強; Li, Chi-keung
Published: 2008
Online Access:http://tkuir.lib.tku.edu.tw:8080/dspace/handle/987654321/30200
Summary:碩士 1949年中華人民共和國建立,卻遲至1952年始完成解放西藏,主要原因在於歷來西藏與中國境內並無公路連接,遑論鐵路。中國境內號稱擁有全世界運輸量第一的鐵路網,唯獨西藏自治區是「鐵路空白區」,歷代國家領導人無不期望任內完成鐵路進西藏的艱鉅任務。 毛澤東任內排除萬難與3000名工人捐軀後開通青藏公路,成為中國西藏間唯一寒冬不封閉的交通捷徑。但有生之年,毛澤東仍無緣一睹鐵路進藏。鄧小平任內,窮其國力,1979年僅完成青海省段鐵路(青藏鐵路第一期),依然無法突破多年凍土等工程難題。然而,鄧小平大力主張改革開放,使中國經濟突飛猛進,進而開啟江澤民「西部大開發」國家計劃之落實。 財政國力大幅崛起的中國,青藏鐵路青海段鐵路完成後21年,鐵路得以復工往西藏前進。 2006年,胡錦濤任內青藏鐵路第二期正式進入西藏首府拉薩市,來自北京、上海、廣州、成都的火車,終結西藏無鐵路的歷史,並引發全球媒體報導熱潮與各方討論聲浪。 西藏與中國因為地理隔絕、歷史風土差異,加以帝國主義時期英俄列強勢力介入,以及中共解放後大肆破壞藏人習俗等因素,迫使藏人孕育分離主義,精神領袖達賴喇嘛出走於印度成立西藏流亡政府。青藏鐵路進入西藏,讓北京政府更易於掌控西藏,並引發全球藏人與親近藏人團體之抗議聲浪。 西藏歷來均倚賴北京中央高額經費補助以維持經濟,青藏鐵路完工,經濟效益立現,各方遊客大量湧入,年度接待旅客數量甚至高於全區總人口數。運輸效益、邊境貿易、以及日後鐵路延伸支線,甚至區域內跨國鐵路遠景,這條打破多項世界紀錄的鐵路幹線,已逐漸產生影響力。 As commonly known The People''s Republic of China was established in 1949, somehow it began to complete the steps of liberating Tibet issues later until 1952, the most main reason lies in - there is no any highway to connect Tibet and China nor the railway connection. Transportation within the People’s Republic of China is known as the world’s highest volume railway network, however, only the Tibet Autonomous Region is an outsider- it’s truly a "railway blank space", actually during their duration of the previous country leaders all expect to complete such a heavy duty - which is the launching of railway inside Tibet. For the duration of Mao Zedong, he made much effort and overcame all the difficulties to start developing the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, almost 3,000 builders sacrificed their life for this, and finally Qinghai-Tibet Railway became the only transportation shortcut between China and Tibet which maintain no closing day even during the severe winter. Somehow during the life of Mao Zedong, he has no chance to witness this great constructional railway to enter into Tibet. Following the duration of Deng Xiaoping, they have barely completed the section of Qinghai Province Railway until 1979 (An initial phase of Qinghai-Tibet Railway) although they endeavored their national strength; the perennial tundra issues still remain unsolved. However, Deng Xiaoping hardly demands the policy of reform and open, these surely enable a large increase in China’s economics, and furthermore these open up the chance to fulfill the country plan of "China Western Development" by Jiang Zemin. China, a world power with a large increase in financial and nation strength these years, finally the developing steps of Qinghai-Tibet Railway could therefore go heading to Tibet, after 21 years later of the completion of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway -Qinghai section. In 2006, during the duration of Hu Jintao, the second phase of Qinghai-Tibet Railway officially enter into Tibet’s capital Lhasa, multidirectional trains which come from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu end the very long history of non- railway Tibet, and also this initiate the global media report and discussion, accordingly. Tibet and China are very different because the natural geography isolation and the historical local customs difference, plus the factors of power intervention from England / Russia during the imperialism time, and also the damage of Tibetan’s customs from the Communist Party of China, all of these forced Tibetan to breed the separatism, their spiritual leader Dalai Lama fled to exile in India and established the Central Tibetan Administration. The entry of Qinghai-Tibet Railway enable Beijing government easier to central control of Tibet, this provoked much remonstrant discussions from global Tibetan and those associations which close to Tibetan. In the past, Tibet normally relied on the central high quota funds subsidy from Beijing to maintain their economy, however, after the completion of Qinghai-Tibet Railway the economic efficiency revealed immediately; massive multidirectional tourists come into Tibet, the annual received passengers quantity even to be higher than the entire area total population. Basically the transportation benefit, the frontier trade, as well as the railway’s extension branch in the near future, even the regional cross-country’s transnational vision, this railway line which already breaks many world’s record, would be definitely an influential power gradually in the future. 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………1 第一節 研究動機與目的…………………………………………1 第二節 研究途徑與方法……………………………………….11 第三節 研究範圍與限制……………………………………….15 第四節 研究架構與章節安排………………………………….16 第二章 中國領導人努力實現青藏鐵路………………………….18 第一節 毛澤東鄧小平時期…………………………………….19 第二節 江澤民胡錦濤時期…………………………………….27 第三節 小結…………………………………………………….34 第三章 青藏鐵路的政治效益…………………………………….37 第一節 宣揚國力政績………………………………………….39 第二節 模糊西藏主體………………………………………….55 第三節 小結…………………………………………………….73 第四章 青藏鐵路的短期經濟效益……………………………….76 第一節 加乘觀光旅遊熱潮…………………………………….78 第二節 降低運輸成本與開展運輸經濟……………………….95 第三節 小結……………………………………………………102 第五章 青藏鐵路的長期經濟效益………………………………106 第一節 區域經濟一體化………………………………………107 第二節 南亞經貿大通道………………………………………118 第三節 小結……………………………………………………124 第六章 結論………………………………………………………128 研究結論…………………………………………………………130 參考書目……………………………………………………………139 附錄一 胡錦濤在青藏鐵路通車講話(全文)………….…….145 圖目錄 圖2-1:中國國務院批准建設青藏鐵路路線圖……………………18 圖2-2:藏人信奉之藏傳佛教菩薩佛像……………………………26 圖3-1:從拉薩大昭寺遠眺布達拉宮………………………………38 圖3-2:中國規劃中主要國際鐵路…………………………………51 圖3-3:西藏流亡人士宣稱的歷史意義上的西藏…………………60 圖3-4:青藏鐵路後續興建支線路線圖……………………………67 圖4-1:西藏拉薩壁畫………………………………………………77 圖4-2:台灣旅行業者「青藏鐵路」報紙廣告……………………86 圖4-3:2006海峽兩岸臺北旅遊展……………………………….87 圖4-4:2007海峽兩岸臺北旅遊展與西藏宣傳看板…………….88 圖4-5:西藏近15年經濟成長數字……………………………….92 圖5-1:青藏鐵路後續支線……………………………………….112 圖5-2:青藏鐵路連接蘭青鐵路直抵甘肅蘭州通往西安……….125 圖6-1:青藏鐵路路線圖………………………………………….128 圖6-2:中國鐵道部營運體系轄下單位………………………….129 表目錄 表1-1:青藏鐵路世界工程記錄……………………………….….2 表2-1:進藏鐵路各項方案路線………………………………….29 表2-2:進藏鐵路各項方案比較表……………………………….30 表2-3:中國領導官員有關青藏鐵路之公開論述摘要……………35 表3-1:台灣主要平面媒體報導青藏鐵路通車統計表……………41 表3-2:全球主要媒體報導青藏鐵路通車摘要表…………………43 表3-3:世界各國凍土鐵路…………………………………………50 表3-4:2007年各國元首與達賴會面紀錄……………………….64 表3-5:西藏各區市人口數…………………………………………67 表3-6:西藏各主要民族人口數……………………………………69 表4-1:青藏鐵路(青海格爾木~西藏拉薩)火車營運時刻表…80 表4-2:青藏鐵路沿線車站站名……………………………………80 表4-3:西藏自治區「2006海峽兩岸台北旅遊展」促銷行程….87 表4-4:西藏接待旅遊人數及旅遊收入統計………………………93 表4-5:西藏自治區近十年物價指數………………………………97 表4-6:西藏歷年財政收支總額………………………………….104 表4-7:中國各省市生產總值…………………………………….105 表5-1:青藏鐵路後續支線規劃期程…………………………….111 表5-2:中國西南邊疆鐵路路線………………………………….114 表5-3:西藏邊境進出口貿易總額……………………………….117 表6-1:中國與印度關係潛在衝突因素………………………….133 表6-2:青藏鐵路工程投資金額年表…………………………….134 表6-3:青藏鐵路票價…………………………………….…….134 學號: 793240317, 學年度: 96