Summary: | The article includes information about new localities of protected species of vascular plants, which are included into Red Data Book of Leningrad Region. The majority of the fi ndings were done within protected areas (PAs) of Leninrad Region, viz. wildlife sanctuaries «Ivinskiy Razliv» (Epipogium aphyllum, Lonicera pallasii, Petasites frigidus, Ranunculus subborealis, Rubus humulifolius), «Kuznechnoye» (Cardamine parviflora, Carex bohemica, Nymphaea tetragona, Tripleurospermum subpolare, Woodsia ilvensis), «Upper Reaches of River Sondala» (Epipogium aphyllum, Lathyrus laevigatus, Lonicera pallasii, Ranunculus subborealis, Rubus humulifolius), «Golomenskiy Mokh» (Epipogium aphyllum). Also we report few localities of plants (Allium scoenoprasum, Epipogium aphyllum, Isatis tinctoria, Petasites frigidus, Rumus humulifolius) which are situated outside PAs. The detailed data about the only one locality of arcto-alpine species Poa alpina L. in Leningrad Region are also given. In Leningrad Region, its localities are situated beyond the limits of its main distribution. We have recorded a small population of P. alpina on the shore of Ladoga Lake in the eastern part of Sosnovyi Island. Earlier this species was known in Leningrad Region in the only one locality on the shore of Onega Lake near Shcheleyki village, but in 2008 this locality has been destroyed. Refs 9. Исследования Ефимова П. Г. выполнены в рамках реализации государственного задания БИН РАН по теме «Флора внетропической Евразии»