Physics of the Solid State V. 46, I. 10

Physics of the Solid State -- October 2004 Volume 46, Issue 10, pp. 1785-1983 METALS AND SUPERCONDUCTORS Critical Temperature of Disordered d-Wave Superconductors with Small Coherence Length I. A. Semenikhin pp. 1785-1791 Full Text: PDF (90 kB) Crossover from the "Clean" Limit to the "...

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Published: MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”. 2004
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Summary:Physics of the Solid State -- October 2004 Volume 46, Issue 10, pp. 1785-1983 METALS AND SUPERCONDUCTORS Critical Temperature of Disordered d-Wave Superconductors with Small Coherence Length I. A. Semenikhin pp. 1785-1791 Full Text: PDF (90 kB) Crossover from the "Clean" Limit to the "Dirty" Limit in a Network of S–N–S Weak Links in Y3/4Lu1/4Ba2Cu3O7 + BaPb1 – x SnxO3 (0 <= x <= 0.25) Composites M. I. Petrov, D. A. Balaev, D. M. Gokhfel'd, K. A. Shaikhutdinov, S. V. Ospishchev, and K. S. Aleksandrov pp. 1792-1797 Full Text: PDF (90 kB) Penetration of a Magnetic Field into the YBa2Cu3O7 – delta High-Temperature Superconductor: Magnetoresistance in Weak Magnetic Fields V. V. Derevyanko, T. V. Sukhareva, and V. A. Finkel' pp. 1798-1804 Full Text: PDF (101 kB) SEMICONDUCTORS AND DIELECTRICS Bound-Exciton Cathodoluminescence in ZnSe Crystals and Two-Phonon Resonance A. A. Klyukanov, K. D. Sushkevich, M. V. Chukichev, and V. Gurau pp. 1805-1809 Full Text: PDF (73 kB) Effect of Current on the Electroluminescence of Defects Produced by High-Temperature Post-Implantation Annealing of Si : (Er,O) Structures in a Chlorine-Containing Environment A. M. Emel'yanov and E. I. Shek pp. 1810-1814 Full Text: PDF (65 kB) Amplitude-Phase Reflectance Spectra of Amorphous Silicon–Based Bragg Structures V. G. Golubev, A. A. Dukin, A. V. Medvedev, A. B. Pevtsov, A. V. Sel'kin, and N. A. Feoktistov pp. 1815-1821 Full Text: PDF (103 kB) Quantum Oscillations of Hall Resistance in Bismuth Bicrystals with Twist Low-Angle Internal Boundaries F. M. Muntyanu, Yu. A. Dubkovetskii, and A. Gilevski pp. 1822-1824 Full Text: PDF (49 kB) Experimental Determination of the Constants of Absolute Volume Deformation Potentials at Band Edges in Semiconductors M. I. Daunov, I. K. Kamilov, and S. F. Gabibov pp. 1825-1829 Full Text: PDF (66 kB) Standardless XPS Method for Determining the Chemical Composition of Multiphase Compounds and Its Application to Studies of InP Plasma Oxide Nanofilms V. M. Mikushkin, S. E. Sysoev, and Yu. S. Gordeev pp. 1830-1835 Full Text: PDF (79 kB) Investigation of the Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding of Lead Hexacyanoferrate(III) V. M. Zainullina, M. A. Korotin, and L. G. Maksimova pp. 1836-1841 Full Text: PDF (136 kB) Phosphorescence of CaF2–Dy Crystals V. V. Pologrudov and I. V. Grigorov pp. 1842-1844 Full Text: PDF (39 kB) Nuclear Spin Resonance Study of the Ion Mobility in a KHSeO4 Crystal Yu. N. Ivanov, A. A. Sukhovskii, I. P. Aleksandrova, J. Totz, and D. Michel pp. 1845-1850 Full Text: PDF (127 kB) DEFECTS, DISLOCATIONS, AND PHYSICS OF STRENGTH Reversible Changes in the Microhardness of Silicon Crystals under Electron Irradiation with Low Doses Yu. I. Golovin, A. A. Dmitrievskii, I. A. Pushnin, and N. Yu. Suchkova pp. 1851-1853 Full Text: PDF (46 kB) Statistics of Microcracks in Heterogeneous Materials (Granites) V. I. Vettegren, V. S. Kuksenko, N. G. Tomilin, and M. A. Kryuchkov pp. 1854-1858 Full Text: PDF (63 kB) The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Ultrasonic Velocity and Elastic Moduli of a Zr–Cu–Ni–Al–Ti Bulk Metallic Glass G. E. Abrosimova, N. P. Kobelev, E. L. Kolyvanov, and V. A. Khonik pp. 1859-1862 Full Text: PDF (71 kB) Stress Relaxation and Viscosity of a Bulk Pd40Cu30Ni10P20 Metallic Glass under Isochronous Heating Conditions O. P. Bobrov, S. N. Laptev, H. Neuhäuser, V. A. Khonik, and K. Csach pp. 1863-1867 Full Text: PDF (129 kB) Wavelet Transform as a Method for Studying the Fractal Properties of the Surface of Amorphous Metals under Mechanical Load V. L. Hilarov, V. E. Korsukov, P. N. Butenko, and V. N. Svetlov pp. 1868-1872 Full Text: PDF (205 kB) Elasticity and Inelasticity of Biomorphic Silicon Carbide Ceramics B. K. Kardashev, Yu. A. Burenkov, B. I. Smirnov, A. R. de Arellano-Lopez, J. Martinez-Fernandez, and F. M. Varela-Feria pp. 1873-1877 Full Text: PDF (123 kB) MAGNETISM AND FERROELECTRICITY Inhomogeneous Magnetic States in the Nd(Mn1 – xCrx)O3 System I. O. Troyanchuk, M. V. Bushinsky, N. V. Pushkarev, and N. Yu. Bespalaya pp. 1878-1883 Full Text: PDF (74 kB) Phase Separation Induced by Oxygen Isotope Substitution in Manganites of the Sm1 – xSrxMnO3 System N. A. Babushkina, E. A. Chistotina, O. Yu. Gorbenko, A. R. Kaul, K. I. Kugel, A. I. Kurbakov, V. A. Trunov, and J. André pp. 1884-1890 Full Text: PDF (149 kB) Nonlinear Magnetic Resonance in the (CH3NH3)2CuBr4 Crystal G. S. Patrin, N. V. Volkov, and I. V. Prokhorova pp. 1891-1894 Full Text: PDF (61 kB) Changes in the Electronic, Optical, and Magnetic Properties of LaSrMnO Films upon Transition from the Rhombohedral Phase to the Orthorhombic Phase V. D. Okunev, Z. A. Samoilenko, T. A. D'yachenko, R. Szymczak, S. J. Lewandowski, H. Szymczak, M. Baran, and P. 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