Summary:Marine biosphere impacts the atmospheric CO2 concentration by two main processes: the biological pump (vertical transfer of particulate organic carbon - POC - from the surface to the deep ocean) and the carbonate counter pump (CO2 emission during particulate inorganic - PIC - precipitation). The objectives of this PhD are (1) to identify the relative contribution of different plankton groups to POC and PIC export at annual scale in regions of contrasted productivity in the Southern Ocean and (2) to understand how this diversity impacts the elemental stoichiometry and lability of the exported material.Annual sediment trap deployments in the vicinity of the Kerguelen and South Georgia island plateaus have demonstrated that natural iron fertilisation increases the intensity but not the efficiency of export. Diatom resting spore formation drives an important fraction (40-60 %) of the annual carbon export in the productive sites. The taxonomic analyses of exported diatoms lead to the identification of consistent groups that impact the preferential export of C or Si. During a summer cruise, we associate the relative abundance of diatoms and dinoflagellates to the N:P stoichiometry of particulate organic matter and highlight the importance of transition layers for C and Si uncoupling. The study of the lipid composition of export leads to the identification of diatom resting spore as preferential vectors for the export energy-rich fatty acids. At Kerguelen, the low carbonate counter-pump is due to the dominance of coccolithophores contribution to PIC export south of the Polar Front. La biosphère océanique module la concentration de CO2 atmosphérique via la pompe biologique (transfert vertical de carbone organique particulaire - POC - de l'océan de surface vers le fond) et la contre-pompe des carbonates (émission de CO2 lors de la précipitation du carbone inorganique particulaire - PIC). Cette thèse a pour but (1) d'identifier la contribution de différents groupes planctoniques à l'export de POC et PIC à échelle ...