Summary:Related to Fig 2 . (A) Effect of LEV on the 2-h aversive memory of nSyb > Aβ 42 Arctic flies. The memory impairment is not rescued by LEV. (B) Amount of day and night time sleep of flies receiving different amounts of LEV. (C) Expression of the nonconducting K + -channel dORKΔNC or constitutive conducting dORKΔC in the MB of Aβ 42 Arctic -expressing flies. At 0 h after training, no significant difference is observed (n ≥ 8). (D, E) Memory performance of flies only expressing the dORK constructs 0 h (D) and 2 h (E) after training. (n ≥ 8). All other details are similar to Fig 1 . LEV, Levetiracetam; MB, mushroom body. (TIF)