Ecological quality assessment for Pollurinn (Ísafjörður) by using biotic indices

Assessment of impacts is a fundamental element in environmental management and ecological indices are tools commonly used in this matter. Diversity indices such as Shannon-Weaver were commonly used for estimating these impacts. New developed biotic indices; AMBI and M-AMBI were applied for the first...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Kiadeh, Arastou Gharibi Hassan
Other Authors: Háskólinn á Akureyri
Format: Thesis
Published: 2011
Online Access:
Summary:Assessment of impacts is a fundamental element in environmental management and ecological indices are tools commonly used in this matter. Diversity indices such as Shannon-Weaver were commonly used for estimating these impacts. New developed biotic indices; AMBI and M-AMBI were applied for the first time as indicators of anthropogenic disturbances in Pollurinn of Skutulsfjörður (Ísafjordur) according to the European Water Framework criteria. The benthic macro-faunal community were studied to answer these questions: 1-What is the environmental health status in Pollurinn area? 2-Has the environmental health changed between the two sampling years? To answer these questions two sets of data from Náttúrustofa Vestfjarða study were used. Sampling regarding this study were conducted in 1997 and repeated in 2010. Indices delivered similar health classifications, categorizing sample stations between moderate and good. M-AMBI was used as the main indicator and its results showed: 1-Moderate health quality for the habitats close to the sewage outlets and good health quality for the central parts of Pollurinn and 2- About 21% quality deterioration in the area adjacent to the sewage outlets and about 10% improvement in central parts of the Pollurinn area. Mat á áhrifum er grundvallaratriði í umhverfisstjórnun og vistfræðilegir matstuðlar eru verkfæri mikið notuð í þeim tilgangi. Fjölbreytnistuðlar eins og Shannon-Weaver voru venjulega notaðir til að meta þessi áhrif. Nýlega þróaðir líffræðistuðlar; AMBI og M-AMBI hafa verið notaðir erlendis sem vísar á umhverfisáhrif manna. Hér voru þeir notaðir í fyrsta skipti í þessari rannsókn sem vísar á áhrif manna á umhverfisástands Pollsins í Skutulsfirði í samræmi við viðmið vatnatilskipunar Evrópu. Botndýrasamfélögin voru rannsökuð til að svara eftirfarandi spurningum: 1 – Hvert er umhverfisástand Pollsins? 2- Hefur ástand umhverfisins breyst milli sýnatökuára? Til að svara þessum spurningum voru notuð tvö gagnasöfn frá Náttúrustofu Vestfjarða. Sýni voru tekin árið 1997 og ...