Child protection services ‘experience of Barnahus services and service delivery in Iceland

This study examined the experience of Child Protection Service (CPS) staff regarding the quality of the services provided by Barnahus to child abuse survivors and their families in Iceland. Participants were 54 CPS workers in Iceland, working in the capital area (n = 26) and outside of the capital (...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Bryndís Arna Bridde 2000-, Hekla Björk Hreggviðsdóttir 1998-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2024
Online Access:
Summary:This study examined the experience of Child Protection Service (CPS) staff regarding the quality of the services provided by Barnahus to child abuse survivors and their families in Iceland. Participants were 54 CPS workers in Iceland, working in the capital area (n = 26) and outside of the capital (n = 28). Demographic information such as gender and age were omitted to maintain confidentiality, given the limited sample size of some CPS providers outside the capital area. An online survey comprising 14 questions was distributed by email to every CPS worker in Iceland who had worked on a CAS case to gather quantitative data. Descriptive statistics and independent sample t-tests were used to test the hypothesis and research question. Results showed that participants who answered the question regarding the quality of the Barnahus services and service delivery were overall very positive (n = 49, M = 9.39, SD = 1.30). However, participants who lived in the capital area were significantly more positive than those living in rural areas regarding effectiveness = 0.009), accessibility (p = 0.002), and referral process (p = 0.042). This study is the first of its kind in Iceland, emphasizing the need for further research on this sensitive and important topic. Keywords: Barnahus, abuse survivor, Child Protection Service (CPS), multidisciplinary team (MDT), abuse Í þessari rannsókn var upplifun starfsfólks Barnaverndarstofu á þjónustu Barnahúss skoðuð. Sú starfsemi sem fer fram í Barnahúsi, er einungis fyrir börn sem eru þolendur ofbeldis og fjölskyldur þeirra á Íslandi. Þátttakendur voru 54 starfsmenn Barnaverndarþjónustu á Íslandi, starfandi bæði á höfuðborgarsvæðinu (n = 26) og úti á landi (n = 28). Ekki var spurt um kyn og aldur vegna lítils úrtaks og persónugreinanlegra gagna. Gögnum var safnað á þann hátt að spurningalisti sem samanstóð af 14 spurningum var sendur út á alla starfsmenn Barnaverndar sem unnið höfðu með Barnahúsi. Tíðnitöflur og óháð T-próf var notað til að prófa tilgátuna og rannsóknarspurninguna sem ...