Assessing postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress in Icelandic fathers up to one year postpartum

There is a lack of studies on Icelandic fathers concerning postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress; most studies conducted on postpartum distress in Iceland have been with mothers in mind, and therefore, a better examination of the well-being of new fathers needs to be done. The purpose of the cu...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Inga Birna Sigursteinsdóttir 2000-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Bachelor Thesis
Published: 2023
Online Access:
Summary:There is a lack of studies on Icelandic fathers concerning postpartum depression, anxiety, and stress; most studies conducted on postpartum distress in Iceland have been with mothers in mind, and therefore, a better examination of the well-being of new fathers needs to be done. The purpose of the current study was to assess depression, anxiety, and stress in new fathers up to one year after the birth of their child, as well as to assess which factors predict depression, anxiety, and stress in new fathers. The current study was a male-only participant (N = 137), including 88 participants who completed the DASS-21, WSAS, and MSPSS scales and background questions. Answers from participants who completed the questionnaire were used in the analysis. Three hierarchical multiple regression tests were used to examine the correlation of independent variables with each dependent variable. Examination of the relationship between independent variables and dependent variables indicated that social support has the strongest correlation with depression, anxiety, and stress. A previous history of anxiety or depression had a strong correlation with anxiety, and a partner suffering from anxiety and/or depression during pregnancy or postpartum had a strong correlation with stress. Keywords: fathers, postpartum, depression, anxiety, stress, social support Skortur ríkir á rannsóknum á íslenskum feðrum varðandi þunglyndi, kvíða og streitu eftir barnsburð. Flestar rannsóknir sem gerðar hafa verið á vanlíðan eftir fæðingu á Íslandi hafa verið með mæður í huga og því þörf á að skoða líðan meðal feðra betur. Tilgangur þessarar rannsóknar var að leggja mat á þunglyndi, kvíða og streitu meðal feðra allt að einu ári eftir fæðingu barns þeirra, auk þess að leggja mat á hvaða þættir spá fyrir um þunglyndi, kvíða og streitu hjá feðrunum. Núverandi rannsókn var aðeins með karlkyns þátttakendur (N = 137), þar á meðal 88 þátttakendur sem kláruðu að svara spurningum DASS-21, WSAS og MSPSS kvarðanna auk bakgrunnsspurninga. Við greiningu gagna ...