Optimization of geothermal well control for a sustainable production strategy using stock reservoir modelling

Keywords: Geothermal Utilisation, Stock Reservoir Model, Production Optimization, Emission Mitigation, Bjarnarflag. Considering current global efforts to reduce negative anthropogenic impacts, many actions are being conducted around different sectors to mitigate the growing repercussions. As in many...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Arkaitz Manterola Donoso 1998-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2022
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/1946/42384
Summary:Keywords: Geothermal Utilisation, Stock Reservoir Model, Production Optimization, Emission Mitigation, Bjarnarflag. Considering current global efforts to reduce negative anthropogenic impacts, many actions are being conducted around different sectors to mitigate the growing repercussions. As in many other areas, there also is potential to reduce the footprint of geothermal utilisation. This ought to be achieved by optimizing the management of the geothermal resource with the goal of maximising the general output while also focusing on reducing the environmental impacts such as carbon emissions and reservoir pressure drawdown. Aimed to solve this problem, a methodology was developed whereby combining a reservoir stock model and a production strategy all parameters listed could be considered for an optimized well control. To prove said methods a case study using real data from the Bjarnarflag steam station in the North of Iceland, was performed. The findings of this study suggest that the applied procedure will result in an optimized production strategy for the given specifications. The methodology proved to be useful to understand the extraction and its impact on the resource. It also provides additional evidence on how having a deep understanding of the system, its boreholes, and characteristics; can help optimizing the final production chosen strategy and reducing emissions. Alþjóðleg viðleitni er til þess að draga úr neikvæðum umhverfisáhrifum af mannavöldum og hefur verið ráðist í ýmsar aðgerðir til þess að draga úr vaxandi afleiðingum. Eins og á mörgum öðrum sviðum er einnig möguleiki á að minnka fótspor jarðhitanýtingar. Þessu má ná fram með því að hagræða vinnslu úr jarðhitaauðlindum með það að markmiði að auka gufuframleiðslu samtímis því að leggja áherslu á að draga úr umhverfisáhrifum t.d. vegna kolefnislosunar og þrýstingslækkunar í jarðhitakerfinu. Til að leysa þetta vandamál var búin til aðferðafræði með því að sameina jarðhitakerfislíkan og vinnsluaðferð sem byggðist á að skoða allar breytur sem ...