Investigating the frequency of OCD-related intrusive thoughts and responses to them in Icelandic university students

Intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and attempts to control them are characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Previous studies have found that unpleasant intrusive thoughts happen to everyone from time to time and can disrupt what we are doing or already thinking. For some people, unpleasan...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Rebekka Rós Ágústsdóttir 1999-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2022
Online Access:
Summary:Intrusive, unpleasant thoughts and attempts to control them are characteristic of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Previous studies have found that unpleasant intrusive thoughts happen to everyone from time to time and can disrupt what we are doing or already thinking. For some people, unpleasant intrusive thoughts trigger strong negative emotional reactions (e.g. anxiety) and in response, they use strategies to eliminate their intrusive thoughts. The current study investigated the frequency of OCD-related intrusive thoughts in Icelandic university students. Furthermore, how students respond to their intrusive thoughts was explored. The current sample consisted of 156 Icelandic university students, 69 males and 87 females aged 19-47. Results showed significant gender differences in specific intrusive thoughts and strategies. According to the current study's findings, females are more likely to experience checking and doubt obsessions, while males are more prone to have sexual obsessions. Furthermore, females are more prone than males to utilize ways to eliminate unwanted thoughts. Until now, this topic has not been researched enough in Iceland. Therefore, the current study provides beneficial knowledge regarding intrusive thoughts in Icelandic university students. Keywords: obsessive-compulsive disorder, intrusive thoughts, strategies, eliminating thoughts Uppáþrengjandi, óviðunandi hugsanir og tilraunir til að stjórna þeim er einkennandi fyrir áráttu-þráhyggju röskun (OCD). Fyrri rannsóknir hafa leitt í ljós að allir upplifi eðlilegar óviðunandi uppáþrengjandi hugsanir af og til og geta truflað það sem við erum að gera eða það sem við erum nú þegar að hugsa. Hjá sumum kalla óviðunandi uppáþrengjandi hugsanir upp sterk neikvæð tilfinningaviðbrögð (t.d. kvíða) og bregðast einstaklingar við þeim með því að nota ýmsar aðferðir til að losna við hugsanirnar. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að kanna tíðni uppáþrengjandi hugsana meðal íslenskra háskólanema. Ennfremur var skoðað hvernig þátttakendur bregðast við ...