Modelling the La Soufrière hydrothermal system, St. Vincent and the Grenadines

This project reports the first attempt to build a reservoir model for the La Soufrière hydrothermal system. This project will lay the foundation for future models of this system and further develop St. Vincent’s geothermal energy. Reykjavík Geothermal provided the geological and geothermal data in w...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Arthurton Travis Elvean Bellot 1992-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2021
Online Access:
Summary:This project reports the first attempt to build a reservoir model for the La Soufrière hydrothermal system. This project will lay the foundation for future models of this system and further develop St. Vincent’s geothermal energy. Reykjavík Geothermal provided the geological and geothermal data in which the models were based, consisting of GIS files, well data, drilling reports, various maps and cross-sections, internal reports, and scientific papers. This data was analysed and where necessary, interpreted in order to build a conceptual model of the geothermal system on the island. This model was based on all the geological and geothermal data such as measured physical parameters (i.e., temperature and resistivity values), topographic data, surface manifestations and previous conceptual models. This conceptual model was built using Leapfrog Geothermal and was subsequently used as the basis for the TOUGH2 numerical model. A natural state TOUGH2 model was calibrated using downhole temperature data from 3 wells drilled in St. Vincent and the location of areas of high surface heat flow. This provides an initial, physically realistic model of the subsurface heat and mass flows and permeability structure of the St. Vincent geothermal reservoir. The model will be further tested, refined and otherwise modified by future data collection and well testing programs. This project was performed before the recent eruption of La Soufrière, and thus the results do not include this information. Í þessari ritgerð er í fyrsta skipti gerð tilraun til að gera forðafræðilíkan af jarðhitakerfinu í La Soufrière eldfjallinu á eyjunni St. Vincent í Karíbahafi. Vinnan sem fór fram og greint er frá í ritgerðinni kemur vonandi til með að leggja grunninn að frekari þekkingu og nýtingu jarðhita á St. Vincent. Reykjavík Geothermal lagði til gögnin sem líkanið byggir á, bæði jarðfræði- og jarðeðlisfræðileg gögn. Um var að ræða GIS-skrár, borholugögn, borskýrslur, kort og snið, skýrslur og birtar vísindagreinar. Gögnin voru skoðuð náið og ...