Sexual offenders : differences between those who commit offences against children and those who commit offences against adults

The objective of this study was to look into differences between those who commit sexual offences against children and those who commit sexual offences against adults. All available court sentences of sentenced male sexual offenders in Iceland from the year 2015 to 2019, were investigated, a total o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Valdís María Smáradóttir 1998-
Other Authors: Háskólinn í Reykjavík
Format: Thesis
Published: 2021
Online Access:
Summary:The objective of this study was to look into differences between those who commit sexual offences against children and those who commit sexual offences against adults. All available court sentences of sentenced male sexual offenders in Iceland from the year 2015 to 2019, were investigated, a total of 89 cases. Factors that were studied were intoxication during the offence, frequency of offence, relationship with victim and confession of offender. The results demonstrated that those who offend against children are more likely than those who offend against adults to confess in court, have a closer connection to the victim and are more likely to abuse their victim’s multiple times. However, they are less likely to be intoxicated at the time of the offence. Those who commit sexual offences against adults are therefore more likely to assault a stranger or an acquaintance, offend against their victim once, be intoxicated at the time of the offence and they are less likely to confess in court. The results of the study give an insight into the differences in the violations of these two groups, although further studies are needed to examine psychological factors of those who commit sexual offences. Keywords: Sexual abuse, frequency, intoxication, relationship with victim, confession Markmið rannsóknarinnar var að skoða breytileika þeirra sem brjóta kynferðislega gegn börnum og þeirra sem brjóta kynferðislega gegn fullorðnum. Allir tiltækir dómar af dæmdum kynferðisbrotamönnum á Íslandi frá árunum 2015 til 2019 voru skoðaðir og voru þeir 89 talsins. Þættir sem voru skoðaðir voru tíðni brots, hvort brotamaður hafi verið undir áhrifum meðan á broti stóð, samband við þolanda og játning brotamanns fyrir dómi. Niðurstöður leiddu í ljós að þeir sem brjóta gegn börnum eru líklegri en þeir sem brjóta gegn fullorðnum til að játa brot sitt fyrir dómi, eiga nánara samband við þolanda og eru líklegri til að misnota þolanda oftar en einu sinni. Þó eru þeir ólíklegri til að vera undir áhrifum áfengis eða fíkniefna á meðan broti ...