System identification of a highway bridge: a case study of Óseyri-bridge in South Iceland

This thesis focuses on system identification of civil engineering structures and its ability to identify modal parameters. System identification can be used in civil engineering for different purposes; damage detection following serious events, such as earthquakes, for structural health monitoring o...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Jóhann Bragi Guðjónsson 1994-
Other Authors: Háskóli Íslands
Format: Thesis
Published: 2021
Online Access:
Summary:This thesis focuses on system identification of civil engineering structures and its ability to identify modal parameters. System identification can be used in civil engineering for different purposes; damage detection following serious events, such as earthquakes, for structural health monitoring of existing structures, likewise in simulation and design. The literature of system identification in structural engineering is extensive and only few examples will be presented here. From the literature reviews, a method of system identification is chosen to be used for the case study of this thesis and its theory presented. The case study is an existing highway bridge in south Iceland. Ambient vibrations of the bridge were measured with four triaxial accelerometers mounted on its deck. These measurements are used to estimate the modal parameters of the case study bridge and compared to a finite element model, created based on structural drawings. The frequency of the fundamental vibration modes of the bridge in its two principal horizontal directions, identified from ambient vibration, confirm adequately with the eigen frequencies estimated by the finite element model. Þetta verkefni fjallar um kerfisauðkenningu á mannvirkjum og eiginleikum hennar á að greina hreyfifræðilega eiginleika burðarvirkja þeirra. Kerfisauðkenning getur nýst innan byggingarverkfræði greinarinnar á marga máta, til dæmis, uppljóstrun skemmda vegna alvarlegra viðburða, líkt og jarðskjálfta, og í almennri líftíma greiningu mannvirkja. Einnig getur kerfisauðkenning verið notuð við hönnun nýrra mannvirkja. Til eru margar fræðigreinar og bækur um kerfisauðkenningu í byggingarverkfræði. Úr þessum greinum verða nokkrar aðferðir á kerfisauðkenningu kynntar og út frá þeim valin aðferð sem notuð verður á þjóðvegsbrú á Suðurlandi sem ferilrannsókn fyrir þetta verkefni. Sveiflur voru mældar með þríása hröðunarmælum sem staðsettir voru á brúardekkinu. Þessar mælingar eru síðan notaðar til að meta hreyfi fræðilega eignleika brúarinnar, sem síðan eru ...